I read the reviews to see whats avalable on the menu,that said, do the ladies have access to the ros of their own reviews?
Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Not sure why the ladies cant see their own reviews here...
From questions I receive it seems very few look at my showcase... Specially my rates, where Im located, and how old I am/stats. All these answers are in my showcase.
I have a less is more showcase as well, people just dont have attentions spans, they wont read a novel for a showcase. They barely read a short one... They will only skim it if that.
Showcase, reviews, and board presence, easiest way to decide who to see or not. If using BP or another site, look here and anywhere else to see what info you can find on said gal. Another that I don't think was said, recommendations of others, but I guess that can go with the reviews as well. But again, some don't review and post their opinions of the gals anyway.
I do all three. Some women have lousy pictures who are quite pretty in person. Reviews are extremely subjective.. YMMV totally! I read every word, and try and do an ice breaking phone call to see if there is interest.
I've read reviews where the Jimmy said never again, but others (including myself) have had a fantastic time.