The ONE band you wish was still together (or still had the original singer)

Dr Grey's Avatar
Killswitch Engage is still together with their original singer.
solidsnake151's Avatar
Pearl jam with Dave abbruzzese
I'm gonna go with Boston:

I think they came to SA when Don't Look Back was released. I was in high school. Didn't go. Wish I had.
mfdvr 69's Avatar
The Allman Brothers band with Duane,..From what I understand,...Greg is in the hospital at this writing,...
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Or all of the above AND in their Prime! (some bands don't age well...)

If I could only pick one, it would have to be Led Zepplen. Their music was damn sexy and magical! I have never been as emotionally moved in my life by music as I was when I first encountered the Zepp.

Other dream lineups of course would be:
Van Halen
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
The Doors
Pink Floyd
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-02-2016, 03:07 PM
Definitely agree with Led Zepplen.

Heart is still going strong.
skyn's Avatar
  • skyn
  • 08-02-2016, 03:53 PM
The Sweet
The Who
Frank Zappa
thrakattack82's Avatar
I wish Dream Theater still had their original drummer
JulianRios's Avatar
Killswitch Engage is still together with their original singer. Originally Posted by RogueOne
Wrong, Howard Jones hasn't been their lead vocalist since 2011
Taurus99's Avatar
Dr Grey's Avatar
Jesse Leach started with Killswitch in 1998. He left and they got Howard. Jesse came back a while ago.
snoogins70's Avatar
LED ZEPPELIN.......Mic dropped....That is all...No more to see here.
LED ZEPPELIN.......Mic dropped....That is all...No more to see here. Originally Posted by snoogins70
The "Celebration Day" reunion show in 2007 was pretty damn close. At least they had the right DNA behind the drums with Jason Bonham, who really tore it up. (He's memorized and can duplicate any Bonzo performance from all known legit and bootleg Zep recordings.)
sully1234's Avatar
Let's go back a way: Buddy Holley and The Crickets ... Fast forward a few years to Chicago. But if you really want to go back in time let's go with Tommy Dorsey fronted by Frank Sinatra. When American was great.