Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for an official poll...

KittyLamour's Avatar
Tony, that's cat, singular

Attachment 562376

Princess Fluffybutt

I am glad you think so highly of yourself, ( that comes in a bottle, right?)

On my things to do list on my refrigerator, yep you guessed correctly, number 4 is, to go on the Internet and find some worthless ole hooker and and give her an undeserved hard time. It's funny how public forums work, they are not private so anything you rant about stays forever. I personally don't give a shit how much you think you have improved your image from the bad ole days, 1 fact remains the same, you are a drama queen. Hell if you were even half way attractive I still would not fuck you with RC's dick. ( call Jenny Craig, also start wearing your masks more)

If half of the shit you have posted here is true, you're in the wrong business.

You will enjoy peace and quiet once you quit posting. You are already RETIRED, so give this stuff a break and quit denying it. Go for a long drive in the refurbished Ford Pinto with a Lexus emblem on it, repay those you have unjustly robbed, delete all of your clown pictures from your circus days.... Enjoy RETIREMENT!!!
Tony, that's cat, singular

Attachment 562376

Princess Fluffybutt
. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
nice to see you have someone to talk to, and you can afford to feed.....unlike your poor horse
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
This thread is utter bullshit.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Just curious, but threads like these, Does it help pick up dates?
pyramider's Avatar
This thread is utter bullshit. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick


Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby
Yep. What happened to your kat avatard? Did you whack your kitty?
texasmarine's Avatar
Holy Shit!

How fucking boring must your life be that you have to go and post this "horse"shit?
You have guys that see you, you have guys that won't see you.
You have people that hate you, you have people that like you.

Concentrate on the ones that want to see you and like you, not the others.

Life is too short to drag yourself down to the level of others that don't like you. I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't like me, guess's ok. Not everyone is going to like me. I don't waste 1 second of my life thinking about them or starting polls about what's wrong with them. Every time you post, respond, start polls or anything else you are giving them exactly what they want...control over your actions.

Not everyone is going to like you Kitty. Its a fact of fucking life. Learn to accept it and move on.

If you are truly retired, why are you even bothering with this site? Move on to the next stage of your life and be better for it.

The best response to any negative post towards you is living life happily in the next chapter of your life.

In other words:


KittyLamour's Avatar

I am glad you think so highly of yourself, ( that comes in a bottle, right?)

On my things to do list on my refrigerator, yep you guessed correctly, number 4 is, to go on the Internet and find some worthless ole hooker and and give her an undeserved hard time. It's funny how public forums work, they are not private so anything you rant about stays forever. I personally don't give a shit how much you think you have improved your image from the bad ole days, 1 fact remains the same, you are a drama queen. Hell if you were even half way attractive I still would not fuck you with RC's dick. ( call Jenny Craig, also start wearing your masks more)

If half of the shit you have posted here is true, you're in the wrong business.

You will enjoy peace and quiet once you quit posting. You are already RETIRED, so give this stuff a break and quit denying it. Go for a long drive in the refurbished Ford Pinto with a Lexus emblem on it, repay those you have unjustly robbed, delete all of your clown pictures from your circus days.... Enjoy RETIREMENT!!! Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Ooh...butt hurt much? Quit hatin', lyin' and trollin' on me and I will be happy to never speak to you again.

I'm a grown woman and secure enough that I don't care if I lose a few dollars to give back a little of the love you've spread my way for no reason.

What have I ever done to you personally? Nothing. All that shit you talk... isn't that just your opinion, assumptions and quite a few lies thrown in just to make me look even worse.... like I said, it's quite flattering you have gone to such lengths for my attention after I turned you down. Awwww.

This thread is utter bullshit. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
So were all the rants you posted on my friend when he got stuck in traffic. Did you feel justified? So do I.

Holy Shit!

How fucking boring must your life be that you have to go and post this "horse"shit?
You have guys that see you, you have guys that won't see you.
You have people that hate you, you have people that like you.

Concentrate on the ones that want to see you and like you, not the others.

Life is too short to drag yourself down to the level of others that don't like you. I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't like me, guess's ok. Not everyone is going to like me. I don't waste 1 second of my life thinking about them or starting polls about what's wrong with them. Every time you post, respond, start polls or anything else you are giving them exactly what they want...control over your actions.

Not everyone is going to like you Kitty. Its a fact of fucking life. Learn to accept it and move on.

If you are truly retired, why are you even bothering with this site? Move on to the next stage of your life and be better for it.

The best response to any negative post towards you is living life happily in the next chapter of your life.

In other words:


TM Originally Posted by texasmarine
Dear Marine,

I appreciate the advice, I really do... but I asked these "men" repeatedly and asked them nicely to please quit harassing, sabotaging and spreading false information about me and they just amped up their attacks in response.

I feel they brought this on themselves and if it makes me feel a little better after all the hell they've given me...I think I'm justified.

I tried to move on multiple times even stooped to beg them to stop and they had zero respect for my distress and discomfort. Likewise, I have zero respect for "men" who degrade and belittle women.

I am not retired and have no plans to retire, they sabotaged me and my business and are trying to force me to retire. Nice of them... what good guys they are to undermine a provider's income and try to purposely ruin her life and put her under! How can you have the audacity to point your finger and presume to tell me what I need to do.

This whole community sat back and just let them bully and abuse me...left me to stand alone and defend myself and my reputation the only way I knew how. You gentlemen and ladies who know me and know me better than the bullshit being said about me, kept quiet and watched me suffer.

So, until you can take off the preconceptions and hypothetically put yourself in my position. Don't judge me please, Texas Marine.

My life is very full and I am very blessed. I think you meant the subjects of this thread when you say someone's life must be boring.
KittyLamour's Avatar

I am glad you think so highly of yourself, ( that comes in a bottle, right?)
Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
BTW, It does and it's called Joie de Vivre. You should try it sometime.
Hahahahahaha! What a tool....
can we write in votes?
want2c's Avatar
Y0yoY0's Avatar
TheEccie214's Avatar
Ahh, another thread by Kitty Lamour that I'm sure will be good for business. You just don't get it, you think you've moved on but you're still the same person you've always been here - a drama queen and train wreck that's her own worst enemy.

Maybe you've fucked over enough people here that some will never leave you alone. Maybe some like fucking with you because you're an easy mark. And some may just not like you. Either way Tony was right, you make your living here, not us. You have much more to lose playing stupid games than us. I've been a nice guy here and I've been a troll, you'd be amazed of how much more interest I get from the ladies being a troll - ladies always love the bad guy. And amazing how many gals I get contacted by that just hate you. They're just smarter than you by not getting involved with the drama here.

You can post whatever you want about me, I, from the bottom of my heart, could not give two shits about your opinion of me. You're always saying you're so busy and don't need icky yet you post these threads saying we're hurting your business.

Which is it Kitty?

And why did you send me a PM?

And how's your attorney coming along with my signature being a copyright infringement?

And when are you paying the money to the people you owe?

Come on Kitty - let's play.
BTW, It does and it's called Joie de Vivre. You should try it sometime. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
you don't have a clue about how you come across to people do you???? its sad an old whore that's just about bankrupt talks down to anybody that answers your posts.....your over inflated feeling of self worth might buy your gilfy ass a coffee if you borrow a buck or two......I don't know who has been blowing smoke up your ass, but they are doing you a disservice....your expiration date is listed clearly on the stupid fucking venetian mask videos you made, and its past.....your not selena Gomez......your madame selena the crazy old fortune teller lady with 12 cats and a car on the repo list......but at least cats are cheap to feed, horses....starve quick.....isn't that right meemaw?? so there's that