Well thank you very much Maxeen! I'm glad to hear you liked my website.
My dances are a lot of fun!
Now I know what dog soldier 4 meant, he commented about what you said
Maxeen on my new website thread. Glad I stumbled onto this thread so I
knew what he was talking about lol.
Thank you ds4!
Oh and Britney my site was done on Google sites. My computer guy did it for me
but made it so I could manage it which I love. I can update anything, text, photos,
information etc. myself, I'm not a fan of having to rely on other folks. So I'm grateful
for that option. Mine isn't fancy or anything I might add some background pictures later but it's easy to read and to the point I think. It is my first site as well. I wish you well and look forward to seeing your new site.