At least say "not interested"

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  • Rezo
  • 02-27-2011, 03:54 PM
First I'd like to note that my thoughts below are not all aimed directly at the OP since I don't know the exact details of his apparent cold shoulder treatment. Instead it is something that will hopefully serve to enlighten both hobbyist and provider alike, especially the n00bs.

Private messages can be a wash so don't get too beat up over not getting a reply. Some folks delete without reading, others read and forget to reply, and some are discourteous and simply give you a cold shoulder. On here the the latter is pretty rare because manners aside they know it isn't good business. (Please don't forget that this thing of ours is first and foremost about "business". The pleasantries that make you forget about the business part comes afterward.)

If it is an initial contact and you are honestly trying to conduct business rather than bullshit, then try to stick with whatever her preferred contact method might be. PM is rarely the preferred method. Instead it will be phone, e-mail, or contact form on her website or verification site like P411. Be sure to supply her with required screening info. If no screening method is noted in her posts or reviews or you are otherwise unaware of what it might be then politely tell her you didn't notice any listed requirements beforehand but will be happy to supply said screening info upon her reply. Don't be explicit, keep your message on point and courteous. Also be sure to note an exact or at least a good approximate date&time you would like to make the appointment.

If you do all the above and don't hear back then I would probably reach out one more time but after that it is time to move on. Either she's just busy and caught up in something, or they are a rude person you shouldn't be wasting time with her and thus no need to get chuffed about it. She just did you a favor by saving you your hard earned money and instead sending you off to someone worthy of your efforts.
Oh yah. Don't forget to be reasonable about time frames. Don't send a PM or e-mail at 11pm on a Friday and expect to hear back a few hours later by 8am on Saturday. Phone is a little better for time sensitive; e-mail and pm for a more lax time frame. (note to providers: don't post ads out of nowhere and cry foul how no one has called you a few hours later) The majority of registered members and lurkers don't live here. Some providers post ads and thats it. no pm's, no threads, etc.

Kind-of glad this thread was started.....

Let me show you the mock-up of a few different emails.....(pretty dam close to what my poor assistant has to deal with, about 40 times a day)

...... Originally Posted by allofamber
Brilliant as ever, Amber. Hard to beat real world examples. Glad I don't have to muck about with that day in and day out.

back to the OP's message... I wholeheartedly agree that a simple reply of "No", "Not interested", "bugger off, shithead" etc. would make life so much simpler. I've only had that unfortunate experience once and it was pretty frustrating to go through the motions of providing well-mannered and professional inquiry and not getting a "piss off" but instead to be left dangling in the wind not knowing whether to move on. Now I know to just move on and not get a bug in my nose over it. It still sucks that is how it has gotta be but so is a lot of other crap in life.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-28-2011, 09:48 AM
OK, so you send a ladya PM to see if she might be interested in hooking up. You see she has read the massage but no reply, It would be nice to receave something back. Even if it's a "your to friggin old" Originally Posted by Mrgalveston
Don't let the uneducated one bothers you. So many other fine ladies here will reply your PM.
Kind-of glad this thread was started.....

Let me show you the mock-up of a few different emails.....(pretty dam close to what my poor assistant has to deal with, about 40 times a day)

Email #1

Hey babe, just saw your pics and I think you look fucking hot as shit, tell me what I have to do to set up a quick fuck, what are you rates, give me a call xxx-xxx-xxxx...(signed) LOSER #1

Email #2

Just saw your showcase on eccies, how much do you charge for a BBBJ, that' s all I'm looking for.....(signed) LOSER #2

Email #3

Wanna fuck? (signed) LOSER #3

Email #4

Dont want an appointment just want to see if you want to go get a drink with me a be "friends"? (signed) LOSER #4

Email #5

I have a 10 inch cock I want to put inside you.....(signed) LOSER #5

Email #6

Hi sexy lady, I'll be in Houston on July 23, 2011, and I want to set up an appointment now. (signed) MORON LOSER #6

(Needless to say NONE of those got an appointment or a response)...

Let me show you who got a quick response and got an appointment set for the very next day....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Email #7

Hi Amber, my name is Nick I just saw your showcase on eccies' and I was wanting to set up some time with you. Here's the information you asked for...

1. Nick
2. 111-111-1111 (please only call between 9am & 5pm)
3. 2/26/11 at 10am for 1 hr
4. Incall
5. I've seen Provider #1 and Provider #2 (there eccie's handle are XXXX & XXXX)
6. I saw Provider #1 on 12/17/10 and Provider #2 11/30/10.

Let me know if you need any other information. I'll be waiting for your call.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Guys I can not stress this enough..if you want to set an appointment, then send in all screening information, in the 1st email or PM. All the "fluffier" stuff gets glance over and set to the side. When a provider opens an email and or PM, and it doesn't have screening info somewhere in it...she will just glance at it and go to the next message...

When you are dealing with anywhere from 25 up to 80 messages a day....and 50% are just non-sense messages then you learn to weed out the ones that are just wasting time and are not serious about setting appointments.

Good Luck out there.. Originally Posted by allofamber
Great post. Basic hobbying 101.
Thank you. Love this and love your boobs.

PS, did the ten inch cock dude send a pic.... just curious

To the OP , Sorry you didn't get a reply back, send her another one or send her an email.

Happy hobbying :-)

Kind-of glad this thread was started.....

Let me show you the mock-up of a few different emails.....(pretty dam close to what my poor assistant has to deal with, about 40 times a day)

Email #1

Hey babe, just saw your pics and I think you look fucking hot as shit, tell me what I have to do to set up a quick fuck, what are you rates, give me a call xxx-xxx-xxxx...(signed) LOSER #1

Email #2

Just saw your showcase on eccies, how much do you charge for a BBBJ, that' s all I'm looking for.....(signed) LOSER #2

Email #3

Wanna fuck? (signed) LOSER #3

Email #4

Dont want an appointment just want to see if you want to go get a drink with me a be "friends"? (signed) LOSER #4

Email #5

I have a 10 inch cock I want to put inside you.....(signed) LOSER #5

Email #6

Hi sexy lady, I'll be in Houston on July 23, 2011, and I want to set up an appointment now. (signed) MORON LOSER #6

(Needless to say NONE of those got an appointment or a response)...

Let me show you who got a quick response and got an appointment set for the very next day....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Email #7

Hi Amber, my name is Nick I just saw your showcase on eccies' and I was wanting to set up some time with you. Here's the information you asked for...

1. Nick
2. 111-111-1111 (please only call between 9am & 5pm)
3. 2/26/11 at 10am for 1 hr
4. Incall
5. I've seen Provider #1 and Provider #2 (there eccie's handle are XXXX & XXXX)
6. I saw Provider #1 on 12/17/10 and Provider #2 11/30/10.

Let me know if you need any other information. I'll be waiting for your call.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Guys I can not stress this enough..if you want to set an appointment, then send in all screening information, in the 1st email or PM. All the "fluffier" stuff gets glance over and set to the side. When a provider opens an email and or PM, and it doesn't have screening info somewhere in it...she will just glance at it and go to the next message...

When you are dealing with anywhere from 25 up to 80 messages a day....and 50% are just non-sense messages then you learn to weed out the ones that are just wasting time and are not serious about setting appointments.

Good Luck out there.. Originally Posted by allofamber
allofamber's Avatar

PS, did the ten inch cock dude send a pic.... just curious Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302 he didnt, I'm sure he was just some pimply faced kid still living at home, jacking off his 3 incher with all his might..

What a lot of these "boys" dont understand is if you even mention a 10 inch cock to most ladies, you aint getting no pussy...last I heard (and checked) women want to be "stuffed" not "stabbed"....girth always wins over length.

speaking about girth...."How you doin Rezo"...(in my best joey from FRIENDS accent)....where you been keeping your sexy ass????? You need to come back to H-town....
Mojojo's Avatar he didnt, I'm sure he was just some pimply faced kid still living at home, jacking off his 3 incher with all his might..

What a lot of these "boys" dont understand is if you even mention a 10 inch cock to most ladies, you aint getting no pussy...last I heard (and checked) women want to be "stuffed" not "stabbed"....girth always wins over length.
Originally Posted by allofamber
WOW!! You just had to put me on blast huh?

In all seriousness though I agree saying your not interested or a simple I dont want to see you works. I wont dwell on a provider not seeing me but damn at least keep it real and say no thanks.

Amber great post though babe I'm sure most providers receive tons of emails daily making it hard to reply to the actual ones who are respectful and serious.
She had posted that her rates had changed so the PM was asking what here new rate was. No reply no interest (FTB)
Breaku321's Avatar
Amber's post is really helpful as I'm trying to see the girls that screen via email. I wish I would have seen that earlier. But now i can use it as a template for future endeavors. But I understand where Mr. G can be left scratching his head and wondering. I had a similar experience but I went further as to call with a message and email with info, nothing explicit, just info and I got no reply. So I simply moved on to the next. It just works out that way I guess. So happy and safe hobbying ladies and gents!!!