Do The Extras Matter To You?

It's funny to me that gents want #1, but might not be willing to pay extra for it.

I've said this frequently throughout the years, because I have more than not, been able to offer a #1 experience (which I currently do.)

So, let's factor in everything it costs me to provide such a place, as well as the fact that my rates are already lower than a fs girl, since I do fbsm; it's basically a steal.

Maybe I should consider raising my rates.
ajlybj's Avatar
LOL For some reason I don't see a Winnibego anywhere in your future Fancy! Maybe 4x4 and waders... At least you can recycle the waders on to your fetish menu : )

#4 could be car or truck, if that's what you like. Personally I'd be too nervous waiting for an unexpected knock on the window, or camera flash yikes! There are enough security risks already.
Oralist's Avatar
Maybe upgrade to a nice motor home. Your slogan could be: Have Pussy. Will Travel. IJS