What is your opinion regarding a lady "reinventing" herself and returning to the boards as someone new

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Yes really. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
Simply fucking brilliant.
knotty man's Avatar
i can only base my opinion of this person on my own personal interactions with her. ive met her a few times. both, bcd and non bcd. and EVERYTIME she has been pleasant , beautiful, and sexy. shes always been kind and easy to talk to. her tcb and bcd have always been top notch for me. im not WKing for her. ive just never experienced the person that you all seem to be bashing here. so, if she wants to reinvent herself, more power to her. besides, most of the guys bashing her, dont plan on seeing her anyways. i do agree that info should be put out there if the lady had serious problems, such as those mentioned in the previous posts. but i have no knowledge that that was ever a problem with her. she simply wasnt liked by a few members here and has chosen to come back and market herself to a group of guys who will take a chance on her, without getting shredded on every post she makes. simply do what you tell all the rest of us that dont agree with the attack pack mentality.....put her on ignore and let her do her thing while you do yours
sixxbach's Avatar
ive just never experienced the person that you all seem to be bashing here. so, if she wants to reinvent herself, more power to her. besides, most of the guys bashing her, dont plan on seeing her anyways. i do agree that info should be put out there if the lady had serious problems, such as those mentioned in the previous posts. but i have no knowledge that that was ever a problem with her. she simply wasnt liked by a few members here and has chosen to come back and market herself to a group of guys who will take a chance on her, without getting shredded on every post she makes. simply do what you tell all the rest of us that dont agree with the attack pack mentality.....put her on ignore and let her do her thing while you do yours Originally Posted by knotty man
Knotty, I agree with most of what you have posted actually. If this is the same person I will say this, that she is not innocent in all of this. If you ever have nothing to do, you could go back where she interjected herself in threads (even providers threads). The bashing that took place was in retaliation for what she had done. I have also been a target of hers in coed forum and others outside the ECCIE board. I simply could care less and the only only reason I commented on this was because I noticed your comments and wanted to make sure you knew that she is not innocent in all of this. I also think its important that if this new persona is her, it should be noted because she had some pretty serious violations against her own provider sisters and the new girls should know so they can choose whether or not to deal with her......

Everyone has the right to leave and comeback and try to reinvent themselves, the previous staff instructions still apply and someone is dangerously close to stepping off a cliff with this thread.
knotty man's Avatar
i agree sixx. im just sayin that ive never seen that side of her in the times that weve met. therefore ,for me to bash her would be two-faced of me. i know of the allegations and sanctions against that person and they may have or may not have been deserved (not for me to decide) and as for all the posting stuff. thats all "board" shit. as ive come to find out people can be alot different in person than they are behind the screen. i was just posting my experience with her. hope to see ya at another function soon ,bro
knotty man's Avatar
Everyone has the right to leave and comeback and try to reinvent themselves, the previous staff instructions still apply and someone is dangerously close to stepping off a cliff with this thread. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
wow! i dont know if that was directed at me or not. if so, i apologize. with that being said, i wont comment anymore on this thread. i just wish both sides good luck and hope it works itself out
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I don't care. I think it is Funny. Sixx and Whisper both told me that a certain provider was going to reinvent herself. I did not believe them I said no I think she is just going to retire and that will be the end of it. I even went as far as to ask her if she was doing all that just to come back as someone else and she said no. It looks like I may be wrong and they were right. I can see some interesting threads in the future.
This subject is controversial to say the least. There are valid arguments for both sides of the debate. There are, however, some things to be remembered. You can debate, discuss, disagree, etc the issue all you want and that is ok.

What won't be allowed is to debate a specific person. That falls dangerously close to "OUTING" as described below:

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

There are many members here, both men (I can think of 4 hobbiests) and women, who over the past year have changed their board persona for various reasons. Those reasons are there own and in many cases are because of something outside the hobby that occurred. Connecting the two violates guideline #5.

Baloney Pony's Avatar

Businesses close down.. remodel.... change their menus... and often reopen to great success......
Originally Posted by Whispers
Howdy, Folks!

I think this is the key, right here.

If the past really, truly is in the past and the present and the future are shaping up fine - well...there it is.
I would have to agree that one member does Not have the right to vindictively Out another member who has neither been banned nor has proven to be a threat to fellow board members.
This individual may very well have stirred the pot thus creating her own dilemma but chasing after her publicly is no different than chasing somebody down the street who has chosen to walk away from the fight defeated.

At some point even she deserves the right to get back up off the ground, brush herself off and start over again. If and when she ever gets banned and tries to sneak back on well that is a different matter.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Is this to ask a real question or just a random bash on someone?I'm confused

If a lady chooses to re invent herself then I think yes to reveal such info to any clients trying to book I dont believe she should have to post a thread telling everyone otherwise why bother with the change?

No is said lady is a scammer,thief,outter,been arrested things of this nature..Ie safety for all then it should be known without breaking any board rules...
I am not quite sure who the object of this thread is but the general consensus seems to be that it is a deliberate attempt to cleverly out someone without blatantly breaking board rules.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I am not quite sure who the object of this thread is but the general consensus seems to be that it is a deliberate attempt to cleverly out someone without blatantly breaking board rules. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Well, of course it is, Cody! Look at who the OP is??? He manages to tread lightly enough that he isn't breaking the rules COMPLETELY, but just enough to keep the hits high for the owner.

As for the topic, I think it's pure common sense that:
  • Sometimes reinvention is used to target a new client set for someone who may choose to streamline or change services
  • Protect the provider from further attack be it personal or professional
  • Avoid BS from assholes who can't put things behind them & move on like ADULTS
  • Possibly try to hide from bad press that was deserved such as examples listed (ROB's, fakes, outers, etc...)

As long as the person reinventing themselves has not committed a heinous action against the community, it's their choice how they wish to represent themselves. Whether or not the previous persona was positive or negative in the community on a personal level matters not to those traveling in from out of town & seeing these options for the first time. Those are the people most likely to not "give a shit" about a previous persona that wasn't well-liked by a small percentage of the community as a whole. The minority rarely are heard unless they have a big enough TALKING HEAD to represent them. *cough*

In the end, it's the client's personal choice & experience that matter TO HIM/HER. I may just reinvent myself as some quiet wallflower who never speaks her mind.


The Kuddly Kat
Hands_on_alot's Avatar
I think a do over is appropriate under the circumstances. We’ve seen other providers, and I expect hobbyists, make a mess of things on the board and then learn their lesson and reinvent themselves and come back to be valued board members.

I hope this thread isn’t an attempt by Whispers to continue his bullying on this board. I’m SO tired of that.

I’m happy to note that the lady in question hasn’t allowed herself to be baited into rejoining the battle.
Whispers's Avatar
Good thing you've got money to wave around. Otherwise the only way you'd get your dick wet is if you pissed yourself. (WORKS FOR ME!)) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually I probably get it wet more often and for far less than most of you whiners and whippeds.....

Thanks for all the attention lately though...