Mmmddllleee come out and play part 1

Now, there's cause and effect. The effect of this cause will be to run off the talent, so nobody can play, except with his or her own toys. Now, who wants that? Stop the insanity!
ru a fuckin scientist? Newtons law and shit over here. News flash "talent" will always be around. What she won't do another one will.
Jjsunday's Avatar
ok MDlee

What is done in darkness may soon see the light of day !!

You Have been Found Out !
hotrix1's Avatar
I will give you Bitch Coins to slap MDlee. Or would you care to join him? (very original of you btw, about the bitch coin)
We're not trying to run STK out of town. I for one would like her to stay even if she wont see me. She's actually a cool chick. Problem we have is her games of manipulation of the market. Stop that and we stop the ridicule.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Now, there's cause and effect. The effect of this cause will be to run off the talent, so nobody can play, except with his or her own toys. Now, who wants that? Stop the insanity! Originally Posted by Jardinier
The insanity is the girls around here not going to move. I know the 5 or 6 girls I see aren't
It's bc ur so awesome JJ why would they lol
Jjsunday's Avatar
I that what I have always said Lmao no body listens to me about that but you Bama Lmao
Precious_b's Avatar
Can you clarify please?
And make it sound nice?

Originally Posted by hotrix1
Sure. Let me rephrase using the original quote

Did you click on the thingy on the post of the faux pas?


I may have made a stupid mistake. Is it time to fall on my sword yet Prof.?

.... Originally Posted by hotrix1
Please. I have not dedicated near to a decade in Academia. So do not falsely refer to me as a person with sheep skin. That is an insult to people of letters everywhere.
hotrix1's Avatar
Did you click on the [/URL]thingy on the post of the faux pas? Originally Posted by Precious_b
I wrote the mod myself. Your original thingy didn't work but I did click it.

And no sheep skin here either B. Never finished, long story there. Only diploma is from the Univ. of Hard Knocks.

Now lambskin however, I finished in plenty of those. LOL

Enjoyed the riposte and repartee thoroughly, even when it got heated. I considered it an honor to have have such a worthy wordsmith as an adversary.
Kuz yu wun smaht cookie B. Ah salut yu!...and it wasn't the one-fingered kind either.

Now that things are calming down, I will be taking on a less pugilistic stance. Except for when mdlee pops out of his hole or hers, whenever that may be. Just to rub his nose in it a few more times.
hotrix1's Avatar
So you remember it. You never talk about "our" pussy outside the family.......... AND since this is probably more your speed.

Unless you want a fresh one.....

?. EH, MDlee?
All those big fuckin words I'm intimidated. Rix I will say to you that u have put your self out there for what you and many others perceive as the betterment of our community. I don't always agree with everything u post but u have earned respect from me. No homo tho lol
Precious_b's Avatar

Enjoyed the riposte and repartee thoroughly, even when it got heated. I considered it an honor to have have such a worthy wordsmith as an adversary.

... Originally Posted by hotrix1
It got "heated?" Didn't realize that. *blah*
Glad to have humoured you. Even though I never thought you a nemesis or (hopefully) treated you as such.
hotrix1's Avatar
All those big fuckin words I'm intimidated. Rix I will say to you that u have put your self out there for what you and many others perceive as the betterment of our community. I don't always agree with everything u post but u have earned respect from me. No homo tho lol Originally Posted by bamadog78
'Dog, you've always been the counterbalance with your humor. I appreciate your comments and perspective. Even if sometimes I don't get all of what you're trying to say.

It got "heated?" Didn't realize that. *blah*
Glad to have humoured you. Even though I never thought you a nemesis or (hopefully) treated you as such. Originally Posted by Precious_b
No, Precious, no offense meant, none taken. Never meant to have an adversarial tone with my replies to you, contrary to what some might choose to believe. It's difficult to express tone in writing. Just having a bit of fun now that things are getting back to normal.
Precious_b's Avatar

No, Precious, no offense meant, none taken. Never meant to have an adversarial tone with my replies to you, contrary to what some might choose to believe. It's difficult to express tone in writing. Just having a bit of fun now that things are getting back to normal. Originally Posted by hotrix1
You got the ball rolling on one issue. More like the start of a no prisoners dodgeball game LOL!
Proof of that is the thread a Provider started from the Ladies view point. She understood very well.

At least you aren't like the Blowhard in Austin, Whispers.
Jjsunday's Avatar
You got the ball rolling on one issue. More like the start of a no prisoners dodgeball game LOL!
Proof of that is the thread a Provider started from the Ladies view point. She understood very well.

At least you aren't like the Blowhard in Austin, Whispers. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Lmao Precious you are a funny man ! Dodgeball

We are Done ! you should have saw that !

so Why don't you ???

We did what we set out to do !

and you know Dude will be Dude's

and Chick's will be Chick's