"ivy chick" in the keyword field will get every thing about ivy chick, as long as both of those words are sequential in the post
ivy chick in the username field will pull all posts made BY ivy chick
ivy* in the keyword field will pull up any post with with the single word ivy mentioned (need 4 digits to search) in this case most of the posts are about her but it will pull up other ivy mentions...like poison ivy for instance
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Incorrect and/or incomplete, from what I can tell.
"ivy chick" in the keyword field will pull up any post that contains
either word -- over a thousand posts when I ran it just now, board wide. Most of which had nothing to do with Ivy Chick. I'll give good odds for a bet that it would pick up a post that had those words in reverse order too.
By the same token, not only can I not search for that specific phrase (words together and in the precise order) but I can't even search for a combination of words in the same post, say by ivy + chick or ivy & chick. Both return the same results as "ivy chick," which is an "OR" search -- most of the posts only contain one of the two words.
A search for ivy* doesn't return
any posts, even those that contain the single word ivy.
And the * is not a traditional wildcard in any event. It's essentially ignored by search, it appears, if added to the end. For example, a search for caitie* returns a lot of hits. But searches for cait* or caiti* don't return any hits, because there are no occurrences of the words cait or caiti, although there are of caitie. So it doesn't help with a search for a word less than four characters, and also doesn't help with uncertainty as to spelling.
In the middle of words, it is
neither ignored (as if at the end of the word)
nor treated as a wildcard - maybe as that specific character instead? So a search for cait*e or cait*ie doesn't return any hits either.
I suspect either: (a) the search function here doesn't allow a search for a phrase; or (b) there's a way to do it, but enclosing it in quotes isn't the way. Your guess which is as good as mine. The first is a disappointing lack of functionality, and the second doesn't help unless someone can tell us how.
I suspect either: (a) the search function here doesn't allow an "AND" search for a combination of words; or (b) there's a way to do it, but it's something other than +, &, or AND. Your guess which is as good as mine. The first is a disappointing lack of functionality, and the second doesn't help unless someone can tell us how.
I suspect either: (a) the search function here doesn't allow a wildcard; or (b) you have to use a character other than the asterisk. Your guess which is as good as mine. The first is a disappointing lack of functionality, and the second doesn't help unless someone can tell us how.