Why did I ask? Yes, I am nosy. I guess that puts me in the minority of human behavior. I am also an accountant so “putting numbers” to things is in my nature. I see the number of reviews most providers have and feel that only a very small amount of sessions results in a review and I was nosy about just how few. Therefore, just how important are reviews to a provider if the number of actual reviews “earned” is small? Knowing how many sessions a provider has in a week would give me a feel for how many result in a review.
Reviews are important to me as I make most of my hobby decisions based on reviews. If reviews are important to providers too, that is a critical aspect of my analysis of the review. If the probability of a session results in a review, how much will a provider influence her performance in the session to get a good review vs just a repeat visit. Reviews influence a large population of hobbyists while working for just a repeat visit affects only a very small population of hobbyists.
My motivation had nothing to do with finding out if I am seeing someone who has seen someone else that day. I am fully aware that I am sharing a treasure.