
joejohn's Avatar
Kallly has the finest breasts that I have ever seen and a body that is smoking hot.
I have some nice natural triple Ds that belong on this list ;*
Squish's Avatar
Agreed Kimber, you should be on the list.
Thanks Squish
I have some nice natural triple Ds that belong on this list ;* Originally Posted by Kimber Rose
Just went through your profile and yes indeed you should be on the list. I think you are close by and I will need to see you soon.
Just went through your profile and yes indeed you should be on the list. I think you are close by and I will need to see you soon. Originally Posted by Zippo1000
Absolutely. I have a private location near the galleria and DNT. Send me a pm so we can get better acquainted and make future arrangements. I look forward to meeting you 💋