Donald Trump’s gaffe on veterans and PTSD shows just what an amateur he still is

LexusLover's Avatar
I hate trump but there is nothing wrong with what he actually said. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Did you get kicked out of the pageant or something?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I like to see creepyoldguy defend Trump's gaffe Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
The man who asked Trump the question defended Trump and said that anyone who used this for political purposes was a piece of shit. Right now that's Assup, Lube, and Munchkin. Now you have to take it up with that Marine you sorry pieces of shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If HRC had said something like that ...
I B Hankering's Avatar
All you lying, lib-retarded fucks need to pull your heads out of your asses and see things in the daylight.

“The man who asked Trump the question on mental health care for veterans, Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Robichaux, is a veteran who did eight combat tours in Afghanistan and was diagnosed with PTSD. Robichaux said that he thinks that Trump’s words were twisted and that Trump recognizes a broken system and wants to address it.

“‘I think it’s sickening that anyone would twist Mr. Trump’s comments to me in order to pursue a political agenda,’ Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Robichaux said in a statement. ‘I took his comments to be thoughtful and understanding of the struggles many veterans have, and I believe he is committed to helping them.’ …

“‘The media continues to operate as the propaganda arm of Hillary Clinton as they took Mr. Trump’s words out of context in order to deceive voters and veterans — an appalling act that shows they are willing to go to any length to carry water for their candidate of choice,’ Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn added.”

(Military Times)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If HRC had said something like that ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If Hillary had said that, the media would have quoted her in context and gushed about how caring and sympathetic she was. The Republicans would have been shut down immediately if they took it out of context to demagogue it like the libs have. You're a lying POS, Assup, as usual.
It is newer so much what Trump says, as how he says it.
bambino's Avatar
It is newer so much what Trump says, as how he says it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And this sentence is the essence of Retarded Lenny. Completely retarded.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Say what ass breath? You are a non-reading piece of shit. More proof you never could have been a teacher. And if you were you've done more damage to America than can be repaired in our life time. You spew more hot gas than bovinabo.
Now shut the fuck up.

The man who asked Trump the question defended Trump and said that anyone who used this for political purposes was a piece of shit. Right now that's Assup, Lube, and Munchkin. Now you have to take it up with that Marine you sorry pieces of shit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
bambino's Avatar
Say what ass breath? You are a non-reading piece of shit. More proof you never could have been a teacher. And if you were you've done more damage to America than can be repaired in our life time. You spew more hot gas than bovinabo.
Now shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Go to you're parents basement fag boi.
"Trump's day is a total loss if he doesn't piss someone off."

Ok, that's pretty funny. Originally Posted by goodman0422
Only Rosie O'Donnell, lol.

If HRC had said something like that ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
She says worse and deserves to be crucified for it too.

And this sentence is the essence of Retarded Lenny. Completely retarded. Originally Posted by bambino
Just can't help yourself can you bamboozled. Once a stalker always a stalker. As fucking many mistakes as you make shows how dim you are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Say what ass breath? You are a non-reading piece of shit. More proof you never could have been a teacher. And if you were you've done more damage to America than can be repaired in our life time. You spew more hot gas than bovinabo.
Now shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Actually, JD has it right. You want to take Trump out of context and demagogue. That's because you are incapable of independent thought, and can only spew the Democrat talking points they feed you. That's ok. We understand.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Says the Librarian.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Watch the video, Assup, or stay stupid.