As always, Gina is right on! It is an age issue. Even in Canada, authorities are concerned with underage human trafficking, as we all should be!!! So, imagine what happens when a guys says "she was part of P411, so I thought she was of age, officer!!"
This protect you as a provider as well as the hobbyists.
It is one of the best tools out there. Not the only tool... but I will tell you that without P411 in your screening toolbox, it makes things a little more difficult.
Here is what I do with P411 screening. Do I just take the guy's word for it that he is legit because he says he is P411... no.. I make him send me a message from P411. Do I just accept the okays he has from providers? No, I contact the providers for more information or additional verification.
Every time we go to an appointment, we are taking a big risk! I would rather risk my photo next to my face and send it to P411 so I can access their information than blindly risk going to see a client without using ALL the tools available.
Just my opinion!
Can I just move to Canada and work for you, Gina??? LOL