I just have to know

pyramider's Avatar
I would venture a guess that every fucktard here would rather get caught by the police than the wive.
guest063011's Avatar
I wonder what the pattern or lack there of from the providers who ended up in jail in regards to their screening.

The first thing I check is the phone number- if it turns out the person the number is registered to is some off the wall name like: Ben Barred or Jack Roundup - which i have screened some of this nature, guess what...name & number & date of request are permenatly on my DNS list. It cost me about $5. per number which is worth every penny...I guess I spend about $10-$20. per client. As opposed to posting bond, attorney fees, and getting my car out of the slammer too...much less having a p********ion charge on my record.

I wonder if there is a pattern to the busts. Not so far as to what part of town, but in regards to time of the year: is the budget year coming up? election cycle cranking up? etc......... I see these things as more of a financial / political thing than a law enforcement issue. If it was actual enforcement then, in my mind, there would be a much more consistent flow of busts on providers and hobbyists. Instead, it seems it comes in waves, like when they decide to go out and bust illegals for a media blitz. Originally Posted by wikdj
I wonder what the pattern or lack there of from the providers who ended up in jail in regards to their screening.

The first thing I check is the phone number- if it turns out the person the number is registered to is some off the wall name like: Ben Barred or Jack Roundup - which i have screened some of this nature, guess what...name & number & date of request are permenatly on my DNS list. It cost me about $5. per number which is worth every penny...I guess I spend about $10-$20. per client. As opposed to posting bond, attorney fees, and getting my car out of the slammer too...much less having a p********ion charge on my record. Originally Posted by ambernhouston
She does have a good screening method and she get's good reviews and quality clients. By quality clients I mean those who are here to hobby and not to try and play games. You guys are lucky Amber is in Houston.

Back on topic. Screening is EVERYTHING. Even if a client screens well and you just have a funny feeling about it, trust your instincts. They are usually right!