World Series

That was great last night!
kerwil62's Avatar
Damn the Cubs did that shit! After 108 years!
Fishpie's Avatar
Only reason I watched the game was because whoever won was making history. Was well worth the watch. Thank you Cubs!
that old mo fo Harry Carey probably wet his coffin.
pyramider's Avatar
A tribe is a group of distinct people, dependent on their land for their livelihood, who are largely self-sufficient, and not integrated into the national society.

A cub is the young of certain animals, as the bear, lion, or tiger. 2. a young shark Originally Posted by VitaMan



A term used in gay circles to describe a young, husky, hairy gay man. Essentially a young 'bear.'
I used to love listening to Harry Carey even before he worked for the Cubs.
I always heard the "beer Family" in St. Louis ran him out because he was fucking around with one of the "family" ladies.
Jessica4stacks's Avatar
Was a great game
notanewbie's Avatar
Cubs Win ! Cubs Win !

That is correct tbone! He was banging August Busch III's wife. Having grown up in St. Louis, the story was well known.