what did cavemen think about ?

Today we are told we have to be entertained every minute of everyday.

Cavemen seemed to manage. But what did they think about ? And how often
did they have sex ? Multiple partners ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Food, sex (procreation), survival (building a home, protecting their family/tribes.) You'd be surprised how hard and time consuming it is when, when you actually have to do everything by hand. Hunting and building things alone would take up much of their time, I would assume.

There is also actual evidence that suggests, that those peoples in colder climates would actually more or less hibernate like animals, during colder months, so they wouldn't have even left their shelters/homes all too often during cold months.

I personally think ancient peoples would have been more poly as far as sex concerned. From an evolutionary/survivalist standpoint alone, it makes more sense. You would want to try and procreate as much as possible to ensure the survival of your race/peoples.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah if ATF means fucking crazy as shit.

More than anything they were trying to find the next meal.
I doubt they sat around waiting for Dominos to deliver a pizza or running to Subway and missing a call.
Food.... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
And survival...

Probably something close along the lines of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory...

I personally think ancient peoples would have been more poly as far as sex concerned. From an evolutionary/survivalist standpoint alone, it makes more sense. You would want to try and procreate as much as possible to ensure the survival of your race/peoples. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I read an article recently stating this exact thing, stating that people were not meant to be monogamous, and based on evolutionary and survival needs, necessitated polygamy. I will try to source the article.