Provider and Age of client

I need them to be older than my oldest son. I haven't had many men that have come that close thankfully.
He's only 19. Maybe if I stuck around doing this for a few more years I might have to worry about it.
Being a bit younger than me is cool. My SO is less than 10 years older than my oldest. Sometimes I think it's a little close in their ages but he gets along well with my youngest. And what's best, and might have been from me being a younger single mother, is that we get along really well and like a lot of the same things. We are both still like 14-15 year old brains that have the freedoms of an adult and resources. At least that's how we say it at times.
I love men of all ages, as long as they are legal. Attitude and respect are the main things with all clients.
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Providers are definitely a fantasy fuck for young guys. I have heard some get invited to the prom. They can be lots of fun and usually very premature but also very MSOG like 5 or 6 times and great kissers)