Look at Trump cower like a sissy!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The fucking constitution says that someone was exercising their first amendment rights. Maybe their second amendment fucking rights.

Drumpf will be pissed at both of those amendments now, believe me!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, Lubed Wide-ass, Truman said if your bitch can't stand the heat, your bitch needs to get out of the kitchen. Trump walked off under his own power unlike your bitch who had to be dragged and lost her shoe in the process, you degenerate jackass.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Lube Wideass is fka WeeEndowed. He's pulling the same shit as he did when he was pretending to be a Christian a number of months ago. None of what he says is true. He's just a pathetic attention whore.
Lube Wideass is fka WeeEndowed. He's pulling the same shit as he did when he was pretending to be a Christian a number of months ago. None of what he says is true. He's just a pathetic attention whore. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Go suck a cock I left Christianity nearly 2 decades ago, you apparently don't know jack shit about me you oldcreepyfucker, do you just show up after midnight? Were you out getting your old asshole rimmed by your queer lover?
You are the whiniest coward on here and don't have the balls to back up anything you say you whining little pussy. You wouldn't last 5 mins in my world because you are a coward. Unless than 72 hours I won't have to worry about you. How did your poll work about trying to ban me you fucking WhiteKnight. You are a whiny cocksucker poor excuse of a man, Was abortion available when your mom made the mistake of birthing you?
The fucking constitution says that someone was exercising their first amendment rights. Maybe their second amendment fucking rights.

Drumpf will be pissed at both of those amendments now, believe me! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You don't believe not one word you're saying. You're just a fucking flake.

He was in no danger he's a coward much like most of you cocksuckers in this forum. You know Jim, I tell you the truth there was a time in my life where I carried out orders for very infamous MOB bosses and I literally seen grown men cry like little girls - I have seen men piss and shit in their pants- there's not a lot of tough men in this world nowadays. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
WOW that's some real bad shit there lube boy have you always been such a mean scary bad ass I'm sure Rey is shaking in his boots
Jim, Have you forgotten I have had Ak-47 bullets and RPG's fired at many more times than you can shake a stick at- there's no fear otherwise you don't need to be in a military. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Frauds call them "Ak-47 bullets"...

7.62x39mm Ammunition is the real answer... 0zombie

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Go suck a cock I left Christianity nearly 2 decades ago, you apparently don't know jack shit about me you oldcreepyfucker, do you just show up after midnight? Were you out getting your old asshole rimmed by your queer lover?
You are the whiniest coward on here and don't have the balls to back up anything you say you whining little pussy. You wouldn't last 5 mins in my world because you are a coward. Unless than 72 hours I won't have to worry about you. How did your poll work about trying to ban me you fucking WhiteKnight. You are a whiny cocksucker poor excuse of a man, Was abortion available when your mom made the mistake of birthing you? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
We're on to you, Lubed. You know, you were a big enough asshole without having to pretend to be someone you aren't. Just like last time, you'll drop the charade, no one will care, so you'll disappear for awhile, then come back with a new handle, and the same, old obnoxious schtick. Now, as I very politely suggested before, please, go fuck yourself.
[QUOTE=Luke_Wyatt;1058833573]Go suck a cock I left Christianity nearly 2 decades ago, you apparently don't know jack shit about me you oldcreepyfucker, do you just show up after midnight? Were you out getting your old asshole rimmed by your queer lover?
You are the whiniest coward on here and don't have the balls to back up anything you say you whining little pussy. You wouldn't last 5 mins in my world because you are a coward. Unless than 72 hours I won't have to worry about you. How did your poll work about trying to ban me you fucking WhiteKnight. You are a whiny cocksucker poor excuse of a man, Was abortion available when your mom made the mistake of birthing you?[/QUOTE
COG makes you meltdown like little bitch LUBE
Go fuck yourself you know it's 530 in the morning here- be lucky I am around relatives and can't say what I want- you had plenty of times to meet me in San Antonio- you are a coward. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Ask your " relatives " what bugiardo " means in Anglais, ya POS !!!! Keep up your impressive DOTY campaign !
We're on to you, Lubed. You know, you were a big enough asshole without having to pretend to be someone you aren't. Just like last time, you'll drop the charade, no one will care, so you'll disappear for awhile, then come back with a new handle, and the same, old obnoxious schtick. Now, as I very politely suggested before, please, go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
" ...please, go fuck yourself . " WITHOUT LUBE !!
Go suck a cock I left Christianity nearly 2 decades ago, you apparently don't know jack shit about me you oldcreepyfucker, do you just show up after midnight? Were you out getting your old asshole rimmed by your queer lover?
You are the whiniest coward on here and don't have the balls to back up anything you say you whining little pussy. You wouldn't last 5 mins in my world because you are a coward. Unless than 72 hours I won't have to worry about you. How did your poll work about trying to ban me you fucking WhiteKnight. You are a whiny cocksucker poor excuse of a man, Was abortion available when your mom made the mistake of birthing you? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Notice how YOU mentioned YOUR career in RIMMING there LUBE. Great threAD for your " services " !
The fucking constitution says that someone was exercising their first amendment rights. Maybe their second amendment fucking rights.

Drumpf will be pissed at both of those amendments now, believe me! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
" Maybe their second amendment FUCKING rights ". Nice of YOU to reinforce YOUR shrilLIARy credentials cumguzzler ! So when they come ( no , idiot, not CUM ! ) to YOUR Austin gloryholes and rob you of YOUR Clinton reelection cash, do YOU call law enforcement to go after them ? A EUNUCH like you SURE won't defend themselves !!! so the rest of us THAT WEREN'T BORN EUNUCH shouldn't be able to " smoke test " a POS ( forbidden subject ) coming to " feed their " habit ".
goodman0422's Avatar
And, if he would've stayed on stage, you would have called him an idiot for not listening to his security detail. Let's face it Lube, in your eyes Trump can do no right. If Trump walked on water, you would post: Trump can't swim.

You are supposedly a combat veteran, yet you don't know how to avoid danger. (I do not for a second believe you ever served, much less with honor.) So tell us dumbass, how should he have responded when his security tells him there's a threat?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And, if he would've stayed on stage, you would have called him an idiot for not listening to his security detail. Let's face it Lube, in your eyes Trump can do no right. If Trump walked on water, you would post: Trump can't swim.

absolute bias. to the point of racism bahahaha yes Luke is racist, isn't that obvious?

You are supposedly a combat veteran, yet you don't know how to avoid danger. (I do not for a second believe you ever served, much less with honor.) So tell us dumbass, how should he have responded when his security tells him there's a threat? Originally Posted by goodman0422
oh sarge earned his 20 .. how? by peeling spuds .. bahahahaaaaa

bahahahahahaha u W{fOrbidden term}P!