Vanessa, for me it's about finding that perfect companion. Granted I don't have the cash that some of these gents appear to have to hobby so frequently.....I have to save up for a few weeks! so my list of providers I have seen is short. Therefore while a do have a favorite thus far, I can't quite say she is an atf because there is room for improvement (in her case, she has a history of occasional cash and dash. For several reasons I can share on pm I don't believe i am a prime candidate for a cash and dash, but it still keeps me just short of fully relaxed).
I have found others with a much more stable location and all positive reviews, but they may not have the body features which I most enjoy (that ass and starfish need to be curvy and ready for tongue worship! Lol).
Still another might be perfect, but pricey enough where I would need to save for 6 months! So for me, I haven't found an atf. But even when I do, I might just occasionally visit a new provider in search of even greener grass (or a more delicious ass!).
And what would attract me to try someone new? Reviews indicating a safe experience and impeccable hygiene (I did mention ass licking), doable rates (which is relative, of course), showcase pictures (showcasing those curves!!! Like yours!) and some hot flirting to entice me to book (even this hobbyist like to be seduced into booking! Flirting is hot, and a good indication of the service)
Just my two cents