The Tragedy In Japan Hits Close To Home...

Here is a nice list from the Yahoo home page:
Also you can text The American Red Cross at 90999 to give a $10 donation and it is legit, not a scam text number. I know I will be making a donation either tomorrow or Thursday to the Red Cross. I know it wont be much but I do hope it helps in some way. I am so sorry for you Nikki and everyone else who has loved ones over there. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones.
worth a read - amazing country with amazing people.
Thank you Dennis...I was just going to post that link. Like I said...I always donate directly to the Red Cross as I know they're one of the first responders, to any crisis, and I've worked very closely with them through the years.

I'm worried about their Nuclear crisis now...what are the ramifications globally?
This is the latest I could find Nikki:

and this is ongoing information:
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
worth a read - amazing country with amazing people. Originally Posted by doriaN
Dorian thank for the link, agree an amazing people. They will previal with their dignity,discipline,and determination.
Supermoon? Didn't Carnac the Magnificent say that's when Orson Wells drops his pants?
Supermoon? Didn't Carnac the Magnificent say that's when Orson Wells drops his pants?