Seeking arrangements

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  • cabot
  • 11-28-2016, 11:21 PM
Be careful, though, on SA - just like any other site you're on.

I was cashed-and-dashed by an SA girl; I may have written about it here? Basically, I got too comfortable with SA girls as 'non-pros', and it bit me in the ass.

That experience does not outweigh the positive ones - not by a long shot.
Thanks for all the great info! im usually spur of the moment (like late night when im fucked up), but seems like most of you think its worth the extra effort. i will check it out. Originally Posted by swim42
Good luck with that, lol! If you are really a spur of the moment kinda guy, BP, Indys, etc are your best bet. To the extent that any of the SAgals are spur of the moment, it's spur of their moment, not yours,lol, or they are pros who you can find on the other sites anyway.

It is worth the extra effort though. I've had a number of wonderful experiences with with young, beautiful college age gals who you would never find on Indys or BP or sites like that. They really are the girl next door type, true gfe, but the best ones usually prefer having just a few (sometimes only 1) sugar daddy who they see on a more or less regular basis. In part, that's how they rationalize that what their doing isn't prostitution, it's just a friends with benefits thing for them, a little connection, both parties having fun, and them getting a little financial help.

But don't fool yourself thinking that if you get on the site on the spur of the moment that you're gonna get laid that night, lol. The last beautiful coed I met with was after sending her messages for months.And while we were together, she told me that she has 80-100 unread, unopened messages. So, spur of the moment! I don't think so, lol
  • ron32
  • 11-29-2016, 08:05 AM
The payment or allowance just depends on what kind of gal you want and how the whole deal fits with you and the gal.

If you want a pro hoe on SA, you know the rates. Watch for the pros that are trying to demand more money because they are advertising on SA. No pro is worth anything more than what they get from BP or a good negotiation.

UTR gals are all across the board, but the quality of the experience is generally much better than a pro gal who is riding the salami train all day. UTR gals can be had cheaper than the pros too.

A real SB that wants an allowance can run you a bit more, but the quality and the experience is usually the best of the bunch. Think of this one as a friend with benefits type deal where an UTR gal is usually a more casual or see them once or twice kind of hookup.
Who cash and dashed you?