"Tabloid" is a really fun documentary. The story takes place in the mid 70s but the woman who is the central character recounts the story in the present. She is a beauty queen who falls in love with a Mormon. The Mormon church hides the man in England b/c they are afraid he'll get corrupted. You find out later the woman worked as an escort to earn enough money to hire a PI to track the man down. She kidnaps her love interest and handcuffs him spread eagle on a bed for sex. The British tabloids get wind of the story and run a series on "The Manacled Mormon". It reveals many of the crazy beliefs of the Mormons, such as God lives on a planet named Koplot or something, if you don't masturbate you can be God of your own planet, and a bunch of other crazy shit. The woman is mischievous and delightful. This show had me doubled over laughing.
Great Thread IFO.
BTW I don't think anyone on this board is going to get their own planet, IJS.