Somebody Tell This Horrid Bitch To Just Go Away!!

It is beyond my (LWW) ability to comprehend, but she is still not seeming to understand that SHE (LWW Queen) is the reason the Dems(LWWs) lost. She has been talking up some key Dem(LWWs) king makers, trying to convince them that she(LWW Queen) is viable in 2020.

What is more amazing is that some of them (LWWs) are not throwing her out of their (LWW)offices! Some want nothing to do with her, but there are a shocking number (LWW) who seem to actually be listening to her lies and dementia.

She (LWW Queen) needs to start having delusions that she is Napoleon, go off to St Helena and die in exile. She (LWW Queen) has done more than enough damage.
Originally Posted by Old-T

You're Welcome! from a Deplorable Vulgarian RWW! MAGA2016! FUCKEM!

LexusLover's Avatar
Bill wants her to stay busy "fixing things"!
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  • Old-T
  • 12-11-2016, 08:40 AM
You're Welcome! from a Deplorable Vulgarian RWW! MAGA2016! FUCKEM!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Glad to see you are learning new vocabulary. I knew you were trainable.
It is beyond my ability to comprehend, but she is still not seeming to understand that SHE is the reason the Dems lost. She has been talking up some key Dem king makers, trying to convince them that she is viable in 2020.

What is more amazing is that some of them are not throwing her out of their offices! Some want nothing to do with her, but there are a shocking number who seem to actually be listening to her lies and dementia.

She needs to start having delusions that she is Napoleon, go off to St Helena and die in exile. She has done more than enough damage.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I hear ya - it does seem amazing that these people aren't throwing the stupid bitch right out of their offices.

But then, these are some of the same people who don't see anything wrong with having Ellison as DNC chair!
LexusLover's Avatar
I hear ya - it does seem amazing that these people aren't throwing the stupid bitch right out of their offices.

But then, these are some of the same people who don't see anything wrong with having Ellison as DNC chair! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Some. The Republicans and Trump Supporters won't let her in their offices in the first place, but their happy with the Ellison choice!

All makes me wonder if Business will like Trump enough to pull their advertisement from the media who continues to trash him during his Presidency. Pocketbook diplomacy.
It is beyond my ability to comprehend, but she is still not seeming to understand that SHE is the reason the Dems lost. She has been talking up some key Dem king makers, trying to convince them that she is viable in 2020.

What is more amazing is that some of them are not throwing her out of their offices! Some want nothing to do with her, but there are a shocking number who seem to actually be listening to her lies and dementia.

She needs to start having delusions that she is Napoleon, go off to St Helena and die in exile. She has done more than enough damage.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You don't believe the "queen of victim politics" (and her supporters) can't believe she's NOT the victim. Priceless.

They will believe it once the checks stop coming.

What will be MORE difficult for you Dims to believe is that Obama is not the President anymore. It will become even more difficult to believe when an Out Of Office Obama attempts to use his influence to "preserve his legacy" and promote "U.N. one world doctrine." Yes, the press will yap for him for a few months but then turn to an Dim bench that is filled with old white people, crooks and kooks.

Thanks, Obama.
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What will be MORE difficult for you Dims to believe is that Obama is not the President anymore. It will become even more difficult to believe when an Out Of Office Obama attempts to use his influence to "preserve his legacy" and promote "U.N. one world doctrine." Yes, the press will yap for him for a few months but then turn to an Dim bench that is filled with old white people, crooks and kooks.

Thanks, Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The Clintons COULDN'T return to Arkansas .... and

... Obaminable CAN'T return to Illinois.......... Or Hawaii!!!

I guess Hawaii is too close to North Korea!

Those "Dailies" provide "insider" information that helps in real estate purchasing decisions!!!!

I guess Hawaii is too close to North Korea!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Remember, according to Obama, they are both located in Asia!
I hear ya - it does seem amazing that these people aren't throwing the stupid bitch right out of their offices.

But then, these are some of the same people who don't see anything wrong with having Ellison as DNC chair! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
I don't see anything wrong with Ellison as the DNC chair either. He'd be a gift to the Republican campaign managers. Think of all the dumbascraps that will have to defend his previous statements and actions when they're running for reelection in 2018 and beyond. The distraction of having to defend an obvious racist as their party leader will help more seats in the House and Senate turn red.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Speaking of horrid bitches who need to just go away, there's also this one...

Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
She looks scarier than the chick I picked up at last call the other night! Shit, I knew I drank too much tequila!
LexusLover's Avatar
She looks scarier than the chick I picked up at last call the other night! Shit, I knew I drank too much tequila! Originally Posted by Tx Noob
You must have left before "last call" ..... Pelosi is lit up!
She looks scarier than the chick I picked up at last call the other night! Shit, I knew I drank too much tequila! Originally Posted by Tx Noob
Yeah, and Queen Nancy IS a lot scarier for another reason, too...

...she and her fellow travelers concocted schemes that fleeced us out of a lot of money for years and years.

Hopefully, any drunk chick you hook up with can only try to fleece you for a limited amount, and only ONCE!
Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Hillary Clinton...

Anyone notice a trend here?

Three of the top 5 Democratic powerbrokers (the others being Obama and Reid) are dumb and corrupt as bricks white women.
Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Hillary Clinton...

Anyone notice a trend here?

Three of the top 5 Democratic powerbrokers (the others being Obama and Reid) are dumb and corrupt as bricks white women. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not to mention that financial industry wannabe dictator and queen of house-flipping, Elizabeth Warren. Nothing like profiting handsomely from the sorts of activities you loudly decry!
Not to mention that financial industry wannabe dictator and queen of house-flipping, Elizabeth Warren. Nothing like profiting handsomely from the sorts of activities you loudly decry! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Yep , ole Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren . The originator of the " You didn't build that " progressive slam against business owners and start-ups everywhere. But, the same voters that sent her to the Senate are the same one's that saddled the rest of us with " Chappaquiddick Ted " for MANY years.
She's prolly upset that no one will play the Trump game of " grabhersnatch " with the ugly old hag !