International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

I see your Obama Care didn't work out - what a surprise.
You are just a sore loser. Trump won and you need to adjust to that - go ahead and scream and stomp your feet like the sick little fuck you are - he is here to stay. Now back on Topic - nothing is going to change in the hobby - Trump is going to be busy correcting all the stupid shit Obama did - and he did a lot of stupid shit so it's gonna take awhile.

And who the hell is gonna pay for that help!!! You gonna help me out?? Have seen how much the good Shrinks charge?? They aren't cheap, they cost just as much as a damn provider, gee there's a tough decision!! You act like us sociopath's don't want "serious" help, NOT TRUE!! It's just that the good "serious" help is too damn expensive!! So we bang Hoogars instead Originally Posted by Little Monster
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I see your Obama Care didn't work out - what a surprise.
You are just a sore loser. Trump won and you need to adjust to that - go ahead and scream and stomp your feet like the sick little fuck you are - he is here to stay. Now back on Topic - nothing is going to change in the hobby - Trump is going to be busy correcting all the stupid shit Obama did - and he did a lot of stupid shit so it's gonna take awhile. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
ObamaCare worked for many, did not work for some. Worked fine for me. I am paying less for the same coverage I had before ObamaCare. Same doctors. But a close friend of mine had his deductible go from $500 to $5000, if I remember correctly. Not good for him. Here is what I believe to be an impartial website with pros and cons of ObamaCare.

Interested in your opinion as to what exactly is "all the stupid shit Obama did." Please be specific.
Ok - 1. The Stimulus did not stimulate. - President Obama was elected in the wake of the 2008 financial crises-His first big act was to sign a gargantuan package of "stimulus spending" financed entirely with debt-which was suppose to jump start the economy. Congress voted for hundreds of billions of dollars for "shovel ready jobs" that did not exist,and the money disappeared without a trace.
2. Financial reform did not reform - Dodd-Frank financial reforms did not reform anything. They created a couple of thousand pages of new legislation and many,many more new executive branch regulations which helped muddle the rules rather than clarify them.
3. Obama Care - The disastrous launch of Obama Care was a reminder of everything that is wrong with big government.
Commentators on the left will argue that the law is a great success-IF you agree to move the goal posts and ignore all the broken promises but the American people are not buying it.

4. He did not shut down Guantanamo,keep the NSA from spying,or rein in the drones.

5. He has made America irrelevant--He just let's events drift and does not take a bold stance. For most of his presidency Obama declared his intention to "pivot to Asia" extricating himself from the Middle East and focusing on bolstering our Pacific allies to peacefully manage the rise of China. He never did it and the "pivot to Asia " died of neglect.

So to get back on topic -As you can see - Trump has a lot of problems to fix - his attention will not be on the hobby.

ObamaCare worked for many, did not work for some. Worked fine for me. I am paying less for the same coverage I had before ObamaCare. Same doctors. But a close friend of mine had his deductible go from $500 to $5000, if I remember correctly. Not good for him. Here is what I believe to be an impartial website with pros and cons of ObamaCare.

Interested in your opinion as to what exactly is "all the stupid shit Obama did." Please be specific. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
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  • ztonk
  • 12-28-2016, 10:40 AM
Enough with the political discussion in this thread.

If you want to discuss Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama, please take it to The Political Forum. Further thread hijacks will be dealt with accordingly.

Back on topic, please....
