How to tell if a provider is pimped or managed?

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  • Old-T
  • 01-09-2017, 02:55 PM
Another thing.. just because someone doesn't want to blur that business provider line by spending quality time outside of the hobby with hobbiest doesn't exactly mean their pimped.. lol. I spend a lot of time working so when I'm not working I prefer to spend time with my family... lol. Originally Posted by Alluring_Amber
Amber, I do not know which post(s) you were referring to, but to make mine clear--I agree with you completely. I was trying to say that certain things indicate that a lady is almost certainly NOT pimped, but the absence of those signs does not imply that she is.
Trey calling her fone while your in the room with her right after you get there
.... Or women who have families and lives outside the hobby and don't sit in hotel rooms all day lol. Originally Posted by DakotaSterling
Bull****. Once in a while you might catch a woman where she can't talk, but if she's free to make her own appointments she'll go in a bathroom or something and call back. A positive aversion to speech is a sure indicator of management.

"I can't talk I'm at my mom's house." And she didn't have another appointment, she's taking her momma shopping. Ha ha ha.
Trey calling her fone while your in the room with her right after you get there Originally Posted by mecnic11
That is a GOOD idea.
DakotaSterling's Avatar
Bull****. Once in a while you might catch a woman where she can't talk, but if she's free to make her own appointments she'll go in a bathroom or something and call back. A positive aversion to speech is a sure indicator of management.

"I can't talk I'm at my mom's house." And she didn't have another appointment, she's taking her momma shopping. Ha ha ha. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
Bless your heart
DakotaSterling's Avatar
Bull****. Once in a while you might catch a woman where she can't talk, but if she's free to make her own appointments she'll go in a bathroom or something and call back. A positive aversion to speech is a sure indicator of management.

"I can't talk I'm at my mom's house." And she didn't have another appointment, she's taking her momma shopping. Ha ha ha. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
I feel like you need a gift basket. Somebody is a touch jaded LOL
The providers have families and children. And they require a portion of their time. A text message or a private message on ECCIE will do the job. Messaging through is best as she can pick up the message with out fear of family getting her phone. I have no one that I must answer to but I still don't like messages on my phone. Figure out a time when you can talk to each other. I will not tolerate a cell phone buzzing or ringing while we are in session. So I always ask for her to turn it off. Her friends or family can leave a text message that she can answer in a few minutes.
Gotyour6's Avatar
When you meet one raise your hand real quick but itch your head.

If she flinches or hits the ground throwing her days work money at you I am going to guess she is pimped out.

Right after you get naked if a guy walks in on you screaming. she may be pimped out.

How many pimps does it take to push a hooker down the stairs?

None, she fell
joejohn's Avatar
Simply ask if she has a tattoo that has any association to another man...when you hear silence you can be fairly confident she has a pimp tattoo (mark of ownership) on her body. If she questions why say it is a big turn off. A tattoo can have various meanings don't get me wrong, but it is good way to check or at least not be surprised when the pimp tat suddenly appears as she gets naked and then you start wondering if somebody is in the closet. Pretty hard to bust a nut when that happens.
Some of you seem to think one size fits all. I offer incall only because I host from my residence. I don't want to go to a hobbyist, and I don't have to. It's entirely too easy for time wasters or catty competition to waste your time sending you all over the place on a wild goose chase. Nope, not happening. Oh but if you try and tell hobbyists to prepay with a credit card to prove they're legit, suddenly it's excuse city. As for text only (which I also do), I'm not always at home, and my friends, family, or the lady at Walmart in line behind me don't need to hear the answers to the questions some hobbyists ask. That's called being discrete. I don't do advance appointments because in my personal experience they're almost always NCNS time wasters. Pay up front? You bet! I've had plenty of douche bags try and think they were slick, and rip me off, which is why payment up front is a requirement now. Even regulars have pulled this crap, so it's very simple, I no longer give hobbyists the opportunity to burn me. If you want to think that learning from experience or not trusting people that I don't know makes me managed, that is your foolish assumption to make. At the end of tue day, it's a business. Women run their business the way they see fit, and if the customer doesn't like it they can go somewhere else. I'm not the spineless pushover who's goig to kiss anyone's ass and tell them they're always right. Be intelligent! If you want respect, you have to give it. We are all individuals, so find the right fit that works for you, and be true to yourself. If someone has a problem with that, tell them to go to hell. They're easily replaced.
Do you not run checks on those that wish to see you? If I have several long time providers give me an OK do you still require an up front payment? I for one always book several days ahead some times a week. I have a good reputation that I strive to maintain. There is no way in hell I will give you my credit card information.
No, I don't do a long arduous screening process. Let's be real for a minute. You can fake a phone number, a Linked In page, a Facebook page, work info, etc... All the tricks providers use to ensure you are who you say you are can be a fraud, and as soon as new methods are invented, by either providers or hobbyists, circumventive countermeasures can and will be created. Screening is not going to save me if you truly mean me harm. That said, no one is making you pay with credit either. I am not as fake as a lot of women out there. I don't pretend that I am all roses and sunshine 24/7. I enjoy myself and hope that my clients do too, I strive for that, but I am not about BSing anyone. Every provider is charging you, no matter how flowery her words, that proves that in the end it is about the money. This is a business. I handle it like one. My customers are treated well and I do not abuse them or their information. I also take measures to ensure my safety. I've never had to use them, and I hope I never do, but believe me when I say if anyone ever threatens me, I don't have a problem one dealing with them. You are a guest in my home. I will treat you kindly and curteously until you disrespect or try to harm me. Any i dependent woman-provider or not-who doesn't take steps to protect herself is a fool.
I feel I should clarify as there seems to be a bit of confusion. I require outcalls be prepaid with a credit card, and yes, regulars still pay up front. Being a regular is not permission to break rules or push at boundaries. I am 99.9% incall only, and I MIGHT make an exception for a regular on the credit card rule, but I've even had regulars burn me, which as you can imagine really chaps my ass. The lesson it teaches is that it is best to handle business first and then play. If we gals had a dollar for everyone who promised to pay next time, or to become a regular if we let something slide just this once, we'd be rolling in dough.
  • Luxie
  • 01-10-2017, 06:56 PM
Do you not run checks on those that wish to see you? If I have several long time providers give me an OK do you still require an up front payment? I for one always book several days ahead some times a week. I have a good reputation that I strive to maintain. There is no way in hell I will give you my credit card information. Originally Posted by tucson
I do not care if I'm seeing the pope and it's his 30th appointment.. I expect to be paid before anything happens. Thankfully I've never been scammed but still, it only has to happen once.
I expect to pay up front in cash. I think Lioness is wrong in not checking references. She can check through ECCIE or P-411 as to the character of the client. I would be cautious in visiting some one that won't bother to check on her clients.