Providers? Are you never curious?

Merry Minx's Avatar
To see who you're about to see? I try to always see life through anothers eyes and it always makes me wonder; Do you not want to see who's coming to your door? I can appreciate the professionalism in what it is that you ladies do and the services you provide but are you never curious to see who it is that's on the way? I only ask because I've never been asked and it always makes me wonder what must be going through your head. I get that it's business, but aren't you a little curious?
And go.... Originally Posted by TxBlueyes989

I'm always curious as to who I am about to spend time with, but there is something so entirely exciting about opening the door, and laying eyes on the person I'm about to share such intimate moments with for the very first time. I love an attractive person just as much as anyone else...but what really gets my heart racing and juices flowing are found within the chemistry we share.

The mind, and the way a person thinks, and how they speak, and how their words make me they intrigue me... These are the things that drive me wild with anticipation and wonder. These are the things that have my mouth in search of yours before the muttering of a simple "hello" can escape my hungry, parted lips... As long as someone is clean, what a person looks like means far less to me than anything else we're about to experience. I can always find things about a person that I like...and engaging with each other's minds, and desires, and expressions of touch and warmth are so much more important to me than someone's physical traits. When you're mentally attracted and connected to someone, they tend to seem even sexier because your desire for them stems from a much deeper, more meaningful place.

So yes - I'm always curious. But the way a man kisses me, and how we connect mentally, is truly what interests me most. Sometimes the mental attraction built through written communication is already so intense I'm ready to rip through the door just to get to you. Other times, I might not realize the true attraction until the moment our lips first meet. But my curiousity always stems from the standpoint of how our minds and bodies will interact with one another once we're together. Opening the door to someone physically attractive is just extra frosting on an already deliciously edible cake...
Doglegg's Avatar
Yeah the response I get is "Wow you really do look like Charlie Brown!" " You even have the same shirt!"

Somehow I don't think that is exactly a positive response.

Now where is that little red-headed girl?
I look like a blonde version of the red headed kid from the sandlot
mitch p's Avatar
I'm always curious as to who I am about to spend time with, but there is something so entirely exciting about opening the door, and laying eyes on the person I'm about to share such intimate moments with for the very first time. I love an attractive person just as much as anyone else...but what really gets my heart racing and juices flowing are found within the chemistry we share.

The mind, and the way a person thinks, and how they speak, and how their words make me they intrigue me... These are the things that drive me wild with anticipation and wonder. These are the things that have my mouth in search of yours before the muttering of a simple "hello" can escape my hungry, parted lips... As long as someone is clean, what a person looks like means far less to me than anything else we're about to experience. I can always find things about a person that I like...and engaging with each other's minds, and desires, and expressions of touch and warmth are so much more important to me than someone's physical traits. When you're mentally attracted and connected to someone, they tend to seem even sexier because your desire for them stems from a much deeper, more meaningful place.

So yes - I'm always curious. But the way a man kisses me, and how we connect mentally, is truly what interests me most. Sometimes the mental attraction built through written communication is already so intense I'm ready to rip through the door just to get to you. Other times, I might not realize the true attraction until the moment our lips first meet. But my curiousity always stems from the standpoint of how our minds and bodies will interact with one another once we're together. Opening the door to someone physically attractive is just extra frosting on an already deliciously edible cake... Originally Posted by Merry Minx
Wow, Merry Minx that's deep. I seriously don't think I could do what you providers do without some kind of a profile with some pictures. The hobbyists really does have a advantage here. I still get nervous when meeting someone. My number one fear is the incall location. I have been real lucky with the providers I have met this year. They were all very professional and not once have l been disappointed. I have been a member since 2012. Met a couple of providers back then that weren't so professional. Made me rethink if what I was doing was worth the risk. Flash forward four years and I got a opportunity to meet up with a very classy Brazilian lady that got me hooked. I would like to thank all the providers here that let people like myself and others have the opportunity to share your time with us. I can honestly see that my curiosity earlier this has turned into great adventure.

Merry Minx, after reading your post a strange thang happened to me. I started to have this fantasy day dream about holding your hand while walking down the beach at sunset. Wow what a mature fantasy. However that fantasy quickly changed after looking over your showcase again. It went from holding hands to another activity that somehow got sand in our cracks.

I guess I'm a little off topic. But I'm having fun on this great adventure.
Merry M, your mind and writing style surely indicate a very passionate, articulate and intelligent woman, all very sexy items that have nothing to do with appearance!!! I need to schedule with you soon!!!!
n81428's Avatar
Thank you MM for that insight. All that being said, have you ever had to fake your interest in someone? I can think of one provider I was with who I felt was not into me at all. I kept thinking in the back of my mind she was faking everything. I know that I aim to give at least as good as I get, so it's dissapointing. I would've preferred in her case she'd own up to how she felt.
So, like, yeah, Merry Minx. I think I need to have this conversation with her in person.
To see who you're about to see? I try to always see life through anothers eyes and it always makes me wonder; Do you not want to see who's coming to your door? I can appreciate the professionalism in what it is that you ladies do and the services you provide but are you never curious to see who it is that's on the way? I only ask because I've never been asked and it always makes me wonder what must be going through your head. I get that it's business, but aren't you a little curious?
And go.... Originally Posted by TxBlueyes989
Nope I don't care how you look
Halochief's Avatar
I usually give a honest description when I see a new provider. Especially height and weight and race. One thing I always try to mention is that I'm fkn ugly but have a good attitude and am a gentleman. Luckily my regular providers overlook my unattractiveness and appreciate that I'm respectful and honest
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You guys who are sending your pictures are playing with fire.

I'm not accusing anyone in this thread of anything,
all I'm saying is you guys need to reconsider your actions...

That is all.



Dr Grey's Avatar
You guys who are sending your pictures are playing with fire.

I'm not accusing anyone in this thread of anything,
all I'm saying is you guys need to reconsider your actions...

That is all.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
You guys who are sending your pictures are playing with fire.

I'm not accusing anyone in this thread of anything,
all I'm saying is you guys need to reconsider your actions...

That is all.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Usually, when I get any kind of picture from a gentleman. I look at it once & straight up erase it. But, I do understand your POV. I think it's only fair to see who we are seeing. It's not mandatory for sending a picture of yourself...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Usually, when I get any kind of picture from a gentleman. I look at it once & straight up erase it. But, I do understand your POV. I think it's only fair to see who we are seeing. It's not mandatory for sending a picture of yourself... Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate

If only all of the gals were like you, Sonya, this place would be all right and errbody'd be all... Wee!

Unfortunately, though...

....which is why I suggested reconsidering their actions.

With regard to it being fair for providers to see whom it is they've scheduled with; I can understand you ladies being curious. I get that.

Would a picture with the face blurred be of much help?

That's usually all the guys get to work with when making their decision.

This personal protection works both ways.

Providers blur their faces for a reason.

Guys should be just as conscious;( or better yet, don't snap/send their pictures) especially if there's a happy little family hanging in the balance.



Merry Minx's Avatar
Wow, Merry Minx that's deep. I seriously don't think I could do what you providers do without some kind of a profile with some pictures. The hobbyists really does have a advantage here. I still get nervous when meeting someone. My number one fear is the incall location. I have been real lucky with the providers I have met this year. They were all very professional and not once have l been disappointed. I have been a member since 2012. Met a couple of providers back then that weren't so professional. Made me rethink if what I was doing was worth the risk. Flash forward four years and I got a opportunity to meet up with a very classy Brazilian lady that got me hooked. I would like to thank all the providers here that let people like myself and others have the opportunity to share your time with us. I can honestly see that my curiosity earlier this has turned into great adventure.

Merry Minx, after reading your post a strange thang happened to me. I started to have this fantasy day dream about holding your hand while walking down the beach at sunset. Wow what a mature fantasy. However that fantasy quickly changed after looking over your showcase again. It went from holding hands to another activity that somehow got sand in our cracks.

I guess I'm a little off topic. But I'm having fun on this great adventure. Originally Posted by mitch p

Mitch...sand in naughty places just calls for an encore in the shower...

It's great to hear your hobbying year has started off well. If the Brazilian you speak of is who I think she is - I completely understand why you got hooked. She is absolutely beautiful - inside and out - and anyone lucky enough to spend time with her is in for quite the treat.

I also agree with your mention of the importance of a safe, discreet incall location. If a person does not feel completely comfortable, or is worried about their safety, or the safety of their vehicle - it is extremely difficult to relax, and allow oneself to fully embrace the passion and eroticism of the moment. The same goes for outcalls. If I enter an environment that has me hesitant for any reason - it forces me to share my attention between the person I'm with and my surroundings more than I normally would. A comfortable, safe, discreet location is paramount for making the most of our time together. Absolutely.

Your daydream brought a smile to my I've always had a thing for beaches. One of my favorite beach moments is from years ago, down at South Padre Island, with my parents and ex-boyfriend. It was a beautiful day, and there were people everywhere. My parents were lounging in chairs, soaking up the sun, so my ex and I decided to take a little time to ourselves, and wade into the ocean. Once we hit about mid torso, I pulled my bathing suit bottom to the side as he wrapped my arms around his neck, and knowingly scooped me up just enough to slide his throbbing cock deep inside of me. We stood there, people swimming and floating around us, slowly fucking as the waves pushed and pulled. The bursts of alternating warm and cold water swirling around us from the current sent chills throughout my body... It was completely exhilarating. My favorite memory of this day, though - wasn't our secret ocean fucking - but rather, the moment I looked over in the direction of my naive parents to catch my dad happily waving at me... And what's a good daughter to do - but to smile and wave enthusiastically back.

Merry M, your mind and writing style surely indicate a very passionate, articulate and intelligent woman, all very sexy items that have nothing to do with appearance!!! I need to schedule with you soon!!!! Originally Posted by repete offender

Repete, thank you so much for the kind, thoughtful words. I am very much a people person, and always try my absolute best to engage and connect with those I spend time with in a very real, and meaningful way. This little world of ours can be such a fulfilling enhancement to our lives - on both sides of the spectrum. It's just up to us what we decide to make of it.

Thank you again for the sweet response. I'd love to see you sometime.

Thank you MM for that insight. All that being said, have you ever had to fake your interest in someone? I can think of one provider I was with who I felt was not into me at all. I kept thinking in the back of my mind she was faking everything. I know that I aim to give at least as good as I get, so it's dissapointing. I would've preferred in her case she'd own up to how she felt. Originally Posted by n81428

N, that's a great question, and one I will answer as thoroughly, and with as much honesty as I can.

For as long as I can remember, I've been told that my ability to make people feel comfortable, and to connect on a very fundamental, real level, is one of my greatest attributes. I am truly intrigued by people, and figuring out what makes them tick; what makes them feel good, and what they don't like. I have a very strong, vivid memory, and enjoy building honest, flourishing relationships with those whom come to see me. I chose to pursue this field - leaving my corporate job of 10+ years behind - because all of my life, I have experienced a heightened sense of eroticism and sexual, sensual energy and intrigue. For many years I attempted to suppress my innermost desires, and conduct myself the way I felt was expected of me. But I realized a few years ago that life is far too short to accept the redundancy that so many fall into, and simply follow through the lackluster motions - when the world is truly full of so much life and wonder and adventure. All of which resonate so deeply within me. That's when I decided to take life into my own hands, and shape the life of my innermost desires.

I feel that the women in this business who are successful - are successful because they genuinely love the art of sensuality and sexuality. And when it comes right down to it - they love to fuck. Some women love to teach, or raise children and take care of a household; some like to save people's lives in a hospital setting, while others like to design hair and make women feel beautiful. Regardless of what a person does for a living, the hope should always be that they are truly passionate about what they do. And I know, for the majority, this is not the case. People often work jobs for the sheer purpose of supporting their family, or earning a living. In many professions, people can pull off the job well without necessarily loving it. But with jobs that require a true investment in people, and feelings, and intuition - it's much easier to do a job well, when you're there because you honestly love your line of work. A woman who isn't in the hobby because she loves it will have a much more difficult time connecting, and feeling, and sharing herself - simply because she doesn't genuinely want to offer those parts of herself to others in this setting. And there's nothing wrong with not wishing to share such intimate moments with someone they've likely just met - but what that does mean, is that perhaps they should rethink their line of work. If the provider isn't completely devoted to the time being shared together, it may very much detract from the gentleman's experience. When someone is spending their hard earned money and investing their time into someone else - my thought is that they'd want the provider to be just as invested in their time and experience as he is. It is a wish that one day, we will all gain the self-confidence, strength, or resources - if we haven't already - to pursue that which makes our hearts and minds equally happy. Something that we have every desire to do - and to do well. It seems then, that everything else just falls into place...

I typically see no more than one or two people a day, so when I'm getting ready to spend time with someone, I am genuinely excited for their company. I am in the mood and the mindset to explore, and connect, and authentically invest 100% of my time and energy and desire into this person, and the experience we're about to share. As you're walking up to my door - probably hoping and praying for a magical (or at least enjoyable) experience - I'm standing behind my door, mentally preparing and dreaming of melting into your mind and into your lips. Sometimes the communications shared in preparation of our meeting has my heart racing, pounding against my chest uncontrollably with anticipation of you. Other times, you might be more of a mystery to me - and the sheer intrigue of that brings flutters to my stomach, and a wave of excitement to my mind. But in any scenario - as long as someone is receptive and open with me, I will find a way to connect with them. I long for it, and it's one of the things I'm best at. It's part of my makeup; part of my chemistry - and it comes so naturally. It's not something I can really explain; it's just something that I've experienced my entire life - and after enough time, I've come to learn I can trust it. I think an excitement for people and the ability to easily connect is a crucial curiousity necessary for success in this business.

From a slightly different view, and more along the line of your question - the only time I really have to "work" at my job is when someone is distant, and I have to try harder than usual to find a connection. I very rarely experience this, but when it does happen, I feel it stems from intense nervousness, and at times perhaps, a challenge with certain social skills or communication. Each person I meet is completely different from the last, as we all have different personalities, needs, and desires. The process of getting to know someone and figuring out their likes, and quirks, and dislikes...earning their actually thoroughly enjoyable to me. It's part of what keeps each day so new and exciting. And it's one of the things I love most about what I do - because to me - this world is about connecting. The only experiences that tend to be more of a challenge for me are with those rare gems who are not fond of kissing. Usually those who come to see me have researched or read enough about me to know that I am extremely oral, and making out is absolutely one of my favorite things. It's how I connect...and express...and help you realize how fulfilled, and at ease my mind and body feels wrapped within the warmth of your arms. When someone doesn't like to kiss - at least from my standpoint - an entire element and layer of our experience is automatically lost. The lips and tongue have such an intense way of expressing our innermost feelings, and when that is missing, I have to search for and find other ways of forming and maintaining that connection. It's very doable - but personally, I'd far rather spend that time melting into your lips and mouth...

I've never been in a situation that was so awkward that I needed to say something. I have had very few instances where I didn't feel a gentleman and I made for the best fit, just generally speaking, so if an additional date was requested, I politely declined. The thing is - I want to continue to genuinely love this little world of ours. And in order to maintain my love and desire for these encounters - I need to enjoy my sessions in just as much of an honest, fulfilling way as the gentlemen who come to see me do. I feel that everyone has the right to feel desired, and wanted, and sexy, and happy - so as long as someone is respectful, clean, and at least makes an attempt to open up to me - we have every potential of sharing the most incredible experience together. I want to connect; to tuck special little moments away in my secret box of mind treasures... I want to remember our time so fondly, that I genuinely look forward to when next we find the pleasure of each other's lips...

Specifically, though - no - I do not fake my interest in the gentlemen who see me. I have always been a people person, and even though certain guys may take a little more time and effort in this regard than others - I can always find something about a person that draws me to them, for at least the time we have together. Sometimes finding this honest connection might be a little more of a process, or not come quite as easily as I am accustomed to - but if you've taken the time out of your day to come see me - and I've set aside time from my day to spend with you - then we are absolutely going to make the most of it. And by the end of our time together, I am quite certain we will both leave each other's embrace knowing that the time we shared was special, genuine, and real. And hopefully one day - those vivid memories will randomly flood your mind with heated recall...and bring your lips, with eagerness, back to that we might continue wholeheartedly where our minds and bodies left off.

So, like, yeah, Merry Minx. I think I need to have this conversation with her in person. Originally Posted by CoverMe

CoverMe...just let me know when you're available for this conversation...
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
If only all of the gals were like you, Sonya, this place would be all right and errbody'd be all... Wee!

Unfortunately, though...

....which is why I suggested reconsidering their actions.

With regard to it being fair for providers to see whom it is they've scheduled with; I can understand you ladies being curious. I get that.

Would a picture with the face blurred be of much help?

That's usually all the guys get to work with when making their decision.

This personal protection works both ways.

Providers blur their faces for a reason.

Guys should be just as conscious;( or better yet, don't snap/send their pictures) especially if there's a happy little family hanging in the balance.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
I understand that very well SKF. But, ain't you just a little paranoid? Yes, I understand it works both ways on the protection part. Not really, it wouldn't be much help.

That's why a website comes in hand. The reason why I blur out my face because it's way too open on here. If it was private site I'd gladly show my face in pictures. But, it's not and I can deal with it...

Have you ever thought that providers risk there lives everyday? We risk so much on here like example murde**, stalke**, STD, etc....SP