disputing cutepapi review

If the CP gives a positive review or any review for a provider...it's like the kiss of death to their business.....
Marie.'s Avatar
i screened the handler he gave me by just reading reviews, i cant remember the handler he gave to me over text and i have been deleted our text . im not 100% sure how to work this site plus didnt know i would be able to take action . the MOD is who told me to do what im doing with the review.

guess im shit out of luck .
Marie.'s Avatar
really cant recall the username .
it was my first day on here and ive had to teach myself everything.

thankful for the MOD
Marie.'s Avatar
he used the handler " gtoman "

i verified him through another lady who has met with gtoman
chicagoboy's Avatar
he used the handler " gtoman "

i verified him through another lady who has met with gtoman Originally Posted by Marie.
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
he used the handler " gtoman "

i verified him through another lady who has met with gtoman Originally Posted by Marie.
That's not how verification works
You ask for a pm first
Marie.'s Avatar
i wasnt verified at the time
^^^ he means how to verify your prospective clients

edit: but I understand without verified provider status,. ..you have a small box
Fancyinheels's Avatar
That's not how verification works
You ask for a pm first Originally Posted by FindumFuccemFleem
Exactly. The gtoman handle has been previously "borrowed," very detrimental for the REAL gtoman, alas. Again, if PMs, personal messages through the system, had been exchanged, much could have been prevented.

I understand that this can be a confusing, intimidating place for new members on both sides, but there is ample information on ECCIE about safety and screening if you take the time to do the research. In any business situation, if someone tells you he or she is a participant on so-and-so site and saw your advertisement there, it's practical and expected that you make that person CONTACT you through said site, which VERIFIES their status as a legitimate member, deserving of any discounts, special treatment, yada, yada. Doesn't apply just to ECCIE and the Hobby, but especially here as there is more risk in our erotic endeavor to begin with. NEVER SCREEN exclusively through text or phone. Confirm through PM, ALWAYS. To not do so almost certainly means you are being scammed.

Take this as a learning experience, Marie, and move on, but be more careful. Use the tools ECCIE offers. There's helpful threads in Provider Infoshare you should read, and search handles there and through the public Alerts, and Coed. (Blue bar above, "Search This Forum" feature in any section, type in screen name.) You might have seen the warning about gtoman's stolen handle and sidestepped this situation.

Alas, there are always individuals looking to take advantage of the less-experienced, a sad commentary on their sick souls.

By his own admission, the cute papi confirms he's up to shameful shoddy shenanigans.
ognob's Avatar
  • ognob
  • 01-10-2017, 11:10 AM
he used the handler " gtoman "

i verified him through another lady who has met with gtoman Originally Posted by Marie.

there was an alert about a impostor using the "gtoman" handle trying to see providers.
Originally Posted by ognob

Heh...sometimes you can see the fuckery from a mile away.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The cute papi I guess is trying to send a message that no one is going to run him off no matter what he does. I went back and read his bio. He has made no apologies nor tried to hide the fact he will slyly try to force a bare back on you and video record the shit. He's like fuck y'all I'm smarter than all y'all and he's from Krypton because HIV and any other diseases is a non factor for him.

So what is his Kryptonite?

A good ass whupping at some point I imagine
he used the handler " gtoman "

i verified him through another lady who has met with gtoman Originally Posted by Marie.

Aww..... shit.... the plot thickens.

FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
Well you live and you learn

Quick question, are you a non-gfe cbj provider now?
  • pxmcc
  • 01-10-2017, 12:05 PM
Gal came through in the clutch: GTO! lol.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 01-10-2017, 12:32 PM

So it was papi pranking gtogirl this whole time... fucking priceless