Your Expectations For The Trump Administration

No high expectations at this time.
His wanting to drain the swamp, and do away with special interests groups has gone by the board.
They are spending $75 mil on inauguration parties financed by special interests.
$25 thou will get you in, but if you want dinner with the man it will cost you a flat mil.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He has to get his campaign money back and he has to start collecting for the next run.
It is expensive to fight in a fixed game.

One of the smartest things he did was to dupe the media into covering everything he did so that he did not have to pay them for advertisement. This allowed him to use his cash more effectively in the areas that were winnable.
We all know that the media has to be beat in order to have half a chance.
He has to get his campaign money back and he has to start collecting for the next run.
It is expensive to fight in a fixed game.

One of the smartest things he did was to dupe the media into covering everything he did so that he did not have to pay them for advertisement. This allowed him to use his cash more effectively in the areas that were winnable.
We all know that the media has to be beat in order to have half a chance. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The stupid ass media still can't figure it out.

Neither can the Pop Culture/ Hollywood crowd. Every time Jimmy Kimmel makes his little smart ass remarks, Katy Perry sings, Meryl laments, and those Democrat Congressmen decide to boycott, another county turns Red.
Italia Italia Italia Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Now you're just being greedy.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
juts waiting for his daughter to admit he molested her at 18.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-17-2017, 05:04 PM
What "problem"?

At your age you accomplished that WITHOUT THE "DOE"! Right?

You know the old saying: If ain't broken, don't "fix it."

And, according to your success story, it WASN'T BROKEN until the Liberals decided they know more about "education" than those hicks from wherever you went to primary and secondary education. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never defended the DOE and would appreciate you pointing out where I did. You are not a stupid person yet you seem to have an issue comprehending what people actually write. I stated a number of problems/examples that were local creation, so eliminating DOE would not specifically solve them. I have seen plenty of stupid people on local school boards, both Lib and Con. Just stupid in different ways.

As to whether it is broken, I would say emphatically that it is. We have declined significantly in math & science, and we have far too many "college" students reading at a frighteningly low level. People I deal with at work who are (scarily) in positions of significant authority who cannot correctly comprehend a simple two paragraph memo, or whose eyes glaze over at even simple statistical analysis.

It is at least a 12 year task to fix education, and I have not seen the attention span of either party able to focus that long--which is why I identified it as a problem I would like to see addressed but do not necessarily believe will be.
juts waiting for his daughter to admit he molested her at 18. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Keep friggin yourself to that thought, shitistan mosque...

RACIST emoji --->
lustylad's Avatar
My greatest expectation has already been met.


Anything else is just icing on the cake. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Hey Jackie, this cartoon is for you!

flghtr65's Avatar
yet you seem to have an issue comprehending what people actually write.

Originally Posted by Old-T
That would be LLIDIOT.
LexusLover's Avatar
I never defended the DOE .... Originally Posted by Old-T
.... how CAN one defend the indefensible?

Your discourse is merely an attempt to cover your bullshit.
Hey Jackie, this cartoon is for you!

Originally Posted by lustylad
My IPad won't open that. Do you have another link?
lustylad's Avatar
My IPad won't open that. Do you have another link? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Try this...
juts waiting for his daughter to admit he molested her at 18. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
We be waitin for odummer to admit that he's a muzzie born in Kenya or Malaysia that applied for colleges as a " foreign " student. For him to explain , if he is from Hawaii as HE claims, how he has a SSN from some dead guy in Connecticut and how his Chicago bathhouse boyfriend was killed before he could " out " BARRY as his lover. When you gonna AXE Barry 'bout all dat ?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-19-2017, 08:59 AM
.... how CAN one defend the indefensible?

Your discourse is merely an attempt to cover your bullshit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are getting worse each time you post. You (not I) brought up DOE and implied that all evil rediates from the feds. Just give control to the locals and all will be well.

I pointed out that your comment was overly simplistic--as many of your recent diatribes have been--and pointed out several local abuses that would still have been there even after the disestablishment of DOE. Which you ignore because they don't support your overly simplistic ideal. Instead you continue to babble and toss insults. Maybe I overestimated you--maybe that really is all you are capable of.
Try this... Originally Posted by lustylad
Bad link.