GWP needs its own thread

I B Hankering's Avatar
March 18, 2011

"An Internal Brain Drain"

The United States is suffering from a serious scientific and technological workforce problem that harms innovation, according to Norman Matloff of the University of California-Davis computer science department. But it is not the supposed shortage of American scientists and engineers widely bemoaned by politicians and industry representatives.

Rather, because of "an internal brain drain" of able Americans out of scientific and technical fields, "we are wasting our talent," he told he told an audience of legal and immigration experts, IT workers, and scientists at a March 18 policy briefing held at the Georgetown University Law School. This loss of talent largely results from the nation's policy of admitting large number of scientists, IT workers, and computer engineers, he said.

Entitled "Are they they best and brightest? Analysis of employer-sponsored tech immigrants," the talk was arranged by the Institute for the Study of International Migration of Georgetown's school of foreign service. Matloff's answer to that question is a resounding No. Despite widely publicized claims that foreign tech workers and scientists represent exceptional ability and are thus vital to American innovation, Matloff called that argument merely "a good sound byte for lobbyists" supporting industry proposals for higher visa caps. The data, on the other hand, indicate that those admitted are no more able, productive, or innovative than America's homegrown talent, he said.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I agree with dealing with the big picture (e.g. large numbers) but I'll suggest the process for the "best & brightest" is not a given today. I'd bet more than one board member has run into this process 1st hand. I've dealt with it 2nd hand trying to hire from this group. There are 10's of thousands of foreigners excelling in our universities not allowed to stay or have to jump through major hoops to do so. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Oh absolutely!! It is no way a given today. I guess I was addressing what I think should be included in a future comprehensive plan...not the BS system in place today. I've got a better chance of some "off the clock" time with Val or London than jumping some smart kid to the front of the line in today's world.