Here is what you posted:
Your opinion is: They won't! That's just your OPINION!
They can still sell insurance in the state of Michigan.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
1. What did Waco post in post #16. Answer, if they can get the big players back into the game to set the true market price. (Game meaning back selling policies on the HealthCare.Gov)
2. What did I post after that. Answer, The major players are not coming back to a negative risk pool. They will just continue to sell group health insurance through the employer
3. Then you went and got off the subject. I did not write that Aetna could not sell insurance in Michigan. I wrote that they are not going to sell policies on the government exchanges as long as they think the risk pool is going to be negative.
4. That was not my opinion, it was a statement from the CEO of Aetna. Read the link below.
5. The bottom line is Aetna and UHG stop selling plans on the government exchanges in most states because the risk pools were negative in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Aetna use to sell plans in more than 20 states on the government exchanges. For 2017 they will only sell plans in 4 states on the government exchanges and Michigan is not one of the 4.
6. Not on the government tit. Do you want to see my W2? I made far too much to qualify for a subsidy. You can't get a subsidy if you are single and made > $48,000. I made a lot more than that.
From the link, What the CEO of Aetna said:
Bertolini said the problem is that ACA plan members tend to incur high medical costs, while the federal risk adjustment program meant to offset losses on those members has not been adequate. As a result, many insurers are losing money on the exchanges.