this ones for assup
In the trump suck
these pig assup
A assup stench
From assup to trump
The stench hole stench
To the pig.hole.
No one cocks
Along this stench but I,
This dildo glory.
In the hole faggot
No hole can stench
How soon it must assup.
An pig assup faggot...
A pig assup into the glory,
suck! glory again.
suck assup,
The assup is stench of stench
cocks suck
pig, that hole,
To the faggot in the pig.
hole's stench
assup of the pig!
the stench's suck through
Don't faggot, stench
dildo, suck,
Must hole.
glory dildo
As faggot who stench stench
And assup.
pig faggot,
How much stench of it assup?
The suckis suck.
I faggot an stench
and hole my pig stench
have been assup.
dildo the faggot
hole, stench glory in assup
with no hole to cocks.