
whitetail32's Avatar
Pretty much self pics...snapshots of what you really look like in other words. Agree, NO AIRBRUSHING. I want to see someone that looks better than the pic.
pixelwarrior's Avatar
You're avatar rocks! I like your pics. You are even more beautiful in person
Thank you
I really like your pics, just something about them being simple thats gets me going. They remind me of those surprise text that I get every now and then. Your ass shots are the best, especialy the one were your turned sideways and you got your butt and your boob. As far as how offten I personly would love to see more pics of you so I guess updating on a regular basis would be awesome.
I don't wanna false advertisethat would be mean
pinehurst#2's Avatar
I like both...Professionally sexy photos but selp pics cause then I know THAT is really you...
Your pics are great! Especially since it is all I can get...I'm only 30...but the pics you have now are AWESOME!
  • Radio
  • 04-07-2011, 02:37 PM
I like real pics too. Airbrushing only leads to disappointing sessions. If your look stays the same I don't mind pics being up to a year old, but that would mean same hair cut/color and same level of physical fitness.
a couple nice tushie shots. speaking of which i just ressurected the old thread ladies show us your assets and i think a tush shot from you would be VERY well received ck it out
Darianis31's Avatar
Having a gent lend their service to take some photos is a good idea and u could have alot to choose from. It could be a bonus session for a regular client and make it fun for both. Robbthobb has a point that sometimes imagining what's underneath is just as erotic as the nudee pictures. Just my .02. Karla, just saw your tush shots and am very impressed. Look very enticing ---