Hillary To The Rescue! If Republicans Can't Take The Heat, Get Out Of The Congress!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Hillary seems to have a lot of experience in coming "to the rescue" ..... because after all, that's what she did to the situation in Benghazi, right? ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Hillary Clinton was guilty of no wrong as far as Benghazi was concerned. Only on Fox News was it even a story. Simply another republican waste of tax payer money and a total joke. Bill and Hillary have spent their entire lives fighting for American principals, both are American heros, to say anything else would be strictly partisan.

The irony is that it is always Republican presidents that are dishonest and have true scandal. Ronald Reagan with Iran Contra, Richard Nixon with watergate, George Bush with the weapons of mass destruction, and soon Donald Trump will be the largest scandal of all. All proven guilty unlike Bill or Hillary Clinton who have been investigated by republicans and found innocent.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hillary Clinton was guilty of no wrong as far as Benghazi was concerned. Only on Fox News was it even a story. Simply another republican waste of tax payer money and a total joke. Bill and Hillary have spent their entire lives fighting for American principals, both are American heros, to say anything else would be strictly partisan.

The irony is that it is always Republican presidents that are dishonest and have true scandal. Ronald Reagan with Iran Contra, Richard Nixon with watergate, George Bush with the weapons of mass destruction, and soon Donald Trump will be the largest scandal of all. All proven guilty unlike Bill or Hillary Clinton who have been investigated by republicans and found innocent. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Now which one of the people you named were tried in a criminal court for any of he matters you mentioned?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Now which one of the people you named were tried in a criminal court for any of he matters you mentioned? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your right Lexus, Nixon, Reagan and Bush should all have been prosecuted criminally and should all have been in prison. They all betrayed the trust of the American People, were investigated and found guilty by the same type of investigations that found Hillary innocent.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by R.M.

LexusLover's Avatar
....the same type of investigations that found Hillary innocent. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
She was not "found" innocent.

Like ALL OF THEM ... there is a "Presumption of Innocence" that exists in this country for all persons based upon the principles of the Christian faith which were written into the principles memorialized in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights subsequently added as an "addendum." And that "Presumption of Innocence" applies to all murderers, rapists, and predators (like Bill Clinton) until they are found guilty of a crime as Bill Clinton was found to have committed perjury by a United States District Judge....for which his license to practice law in Arkansas was revoked.
Hillary Clinton was guilty of no wrong as far as Benghazi was concerned. Only on Fox News was it even a story. Simply another republican waste of tax payer money and a total joke. Bill and Hillary have spent their entire lives fighting for American principals (??) , both are American heros, (sic) to say anything else would be strictly partisan. So now you're accusing others of partisanship? Fuckin' hilarious! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Just curious.

What "principals" has the hildebeest fought for? Partners in private equity and hedge funds?

Or maybe you're just trying to laud her support for high school and middle school principals?

Inquiring minds want to know!
StandinStraight's Avatar
Just curious.

What "principals" has the hildebeest fought for? Partners in private equity and hedge funds?

Or maybe you're just trying to laud her support for high school and middle school principals?

Inquiring minds want to know! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
She has fought her entire life for civil rights, women, children, healthcare, veterans, the disabled, the poor, minorities and America as a whole. Nobody that isn't bias would dispute her dedication and accomplishments.
She has fought her entire life for civil rights, women, children, healthcare, veterans, the disabled, the poor, minorities and America as a whole. Nobody that isn't bias (sic) would dispute her dedication and accomplishments. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
She blabs a lot about all sorts of stuff, but has only fought hard for herself and her donors. Her "charitable foundation" is simply a fraud. Even you would know that if you didn't have your shit-stained nose up her fucking ass.

And although your grammar, spelling, and usage would embarrass any halfway intelligent 4th-grader, you are still going to try to tell us that you're a "teacher?" Fuckin' hilarious!
bambino's Avatar
She blabs a lot about all sorts of stuff, but has only fought hard for herself and her donors. Her "charitable foundation" is simply a fraud. Even you would know that if you didn't have your shit-stained nose up her fucking ass.

And although your grammar, spelling, and usage would embarrass any halfway intelligent 4th-grader, you are still going to try to tell us that you're a "teacher?" Fuckin' hilarious! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
The assassination of Kennedy allowed the oil depletion allowance to be kept at 27.5 per cent. It remained unchanged during the Johnson presidency. This resulted in a saving of over 100 million dollars to the American oil industry. Soon after Johnson left office it dropped to 15 per cent.
Pssst, its percent, not per cent. You said you were a Professor correct? ROLMAO!!!!
Indys all time warning points leader. Let it roll baby roll.

I think our resident Professor meant percentages. Who knows?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Originally Posted by StandinStraight View Post
The assassination of Kennedy allowed the oil depletion allowance to be kept at 27.5 per cent. It remained unchanged during the Johnson presidency. This resulted in a saving of over 100 million dollars to the American oil industry. Soon after Johnson left office it dropped to 15 per cent.
Pssst, its percent, not per cent. You said you were a Professor correct? ROLMAO!!!!
Indys all time warning points leader. Let it roll baby roll.

I think our resident Professor meant percentages. Who knows? Originally Posted by bambino
You guys are hilarious, when you have no rebuttals you check spelling and grammar , dudes I'm not typing this stuff I'm talking it into type, how it comes out it comes out! I do enough actual writings for essays and political reports when requested, they are hand written and edited, I don't have time for that here. So laugh all you want but I have forgotten more about politics than you ever knew!
You guys are hilarious, when you have no rebuttals you check spelling and grammar , dudes I'm not typing this stuff I'm talking it into type, how it comes out it comes out! I do enough actual writings for essays and political reports when requested, they are hand written and edited, I don't have time for that here. So laugh all you want but so have forgotten more about politics than you ever knew! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yeah, sure!

You're a legend in your own mind, aintcha?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Yeah, sure!

You're a legend in your own mind, aintcha? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Legend in my own mind? Hey I'm not the one pretending I'm a ex- CEO nor do I have the ego that would require me to advertise it like you do.
Legend in my own mind? Hey I'm not the one pretending I'm a (sic) ex- CEO, nor do I have the ego that would require me to advertise it like you do. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
"Advertise" what, you spam-slinging moron?

Like most people here (including yourself), I chose my handle as sort of a joke. Hell, I was the CEO of a lemonade stand back around 1962!

At least I can use the English language with at least a middling level of proficiency.

How about you? For your sake, I sure as hell hope English is not your native language!

Teacher, my ass. No way in hell that you're even a college graduate. You probably struggled like hell to make it through high school.
bambino's Avatar
StandingStupid said "I'm talking it into type". Does he mean he's dictating? Or dicktating?
Hey Standing Stupid you worthless sack of shit with your "Hillary Clinton was found guilty of no wrong doing as far as Benghazi was concerned" ..... you should be required to stand in front of the family members of the four men who died there because of Hillary's bungling and the way she fucked up that whole situation ..... you should tell those family members and tell them that "Bill and Hillary have spent their entire lives fighting for American principles" ..... I'm sure they'd love to hear that ..... and by the way, the four dead American soldiers are the heroes, and not our Secretary of State who was solely responsible for having them killed .....