japan restricts muslims

Have you read the Old Testament ? I am now agnostic but the Old Testament is full of bad things. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Then...do me and everyone else a favor...don't go there, Agnostic One....I know the Holy Bible and its scriptures. I surely don't need someone on a hooker site get preachy with me.

That said, I also understand what the Qu'ran and Sharia Law have to say. Leaders telling "their flock" to go into the world and kill infidels in the name of their God (Allah in their case)...even going as far as sacrificing their own lives or the lives of their children...it all sounds pretty shakey to me.

Bottom line...you just feel free to list every Bible passage you desire to make your point. My point is I feel their (Muslims) "religion" is one that was conceived by a "messenger / prophet" who was a a hate-monger...a racist...a murderer...a pedophile. History tells us as much. Jesus Christ did not preach nor subscribe to any of these things. The NEW Testament is very clear on that.

Nonetheless, Japan's government made excellent choices regarding this cult-like religion and its people....In My Opinion.
If your philosophy is correct - there should be no Germans or Japanese in this country - you do recall Pearl Harbor and the Nazis ? Are you assuming every Muslim is a terrorist ? If so you are a true racist and a bigot. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Maybe not every Muslim is a Terrorist per se, but every Muslim is a member of a cult which advocates terrorism. Furthermore you can't call someone a racist when it comes to Islam. Islam is not a race. Caucasian, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians all can practice Islam. Worrying about being called a racist or a bigot is a sign of submission and weakness.

If your philosophy is correct - there should be no Germans or Japanese in this country - you do recall Pearl Harbor and the Nazis ? Are you assuming every Muslim is a terrorist ? If so you are a true racist and a bigot. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
" do you recall Pearl Harbor and the Nazis " . So " seArgent " shitburner, YOU are a fan of Keith Ellison's !!! He said the Nazis attacked Pearl Harbor also ! Great job learning history there " seArgnet " shitburner ! Ya stolen valor lyin POS ! Shmucatelli !
why should japan take people who won't assimilate and obey its laws? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
that is the key

assimilation is the cure for many societal ills

it would go a long way to fixing our racial strife

separate but equal didn't work neither does what is happening now

people coming to the united states who don't revere our constitution, and don't want to be protected by American law and become American in every sense, who wish to retain their
"culture" in a superior way are mere ticking time bombs

why move somewhere and then keep safe to your breast the very things that caused you to need to move in the first place and in enough numbers to do damage?

its like idiots who move to texas from failing states and then vote as before