I don't care. Because I can't change Trump's heart or anyone else's, and neither can you. Control yourself, that should be your main concern. Because if you can do that nothing can harm you. You haven't mastered yourself, yet you think you can influence other people which is laughable. These people crying and carrying on over Trump's victory is a direct sign personal weakness. They don't deserve any credit and their lives are a total shambles no matter who would be president.
Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
"I can't change his heart" are you fucking kidding me? How about this, if you think he is wrong or bad quit blindly supporting him. He is not a conservative or a Republican. He will throw everyone of you under the bus before this is over. You talk about folks crying over Trump? You guys are going on 10 years of crying over Obama . You only picked Trump because he was a racist pig in retaliation. Then again the Russians did help a little. They just knew what buttons to push on the racist fraidy-cats the Republicans have become since the Teaparty assimilated them.