You don't think he reads this shit he spews do you? He just passes it along from the OFA to post the shit so he can get his commission! Sheeples are Sheeples. Originally Posted by LexusLoverAnd another lame post by Stan-the-Stupid bites the dust

Mike Pence was all for prosecuting Hillary for her use of a private server but he was doing the same thing and unlike Hillary he was emailing sensitive security matters on a aol server! How dumb must he be?
Pence reportedly used private email account to discuss state business - Fox News Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It might behoove you to know:Standinginshit doesn't know the Law, in fact he's never heard of it. All his thoughts and knowledge comes from the little squirrel that spins the wheel in his head, lol.
Indiana law does not prohibit public officials from using personal email accounts, the Star added. Originally Posted by Cherie
It might behoove you to know:
Indiana law does not prohibit public officials from using personal email accounts, the Star added. Originally Posted by Cherie
Mike Pence was all for prosecuting Hillary for her use of a private server but he was doing the same thing and unlike Hillary he was emailing sensitive security matters on a aol server! How dumb must he be?FBI Director Comey already reported that commercial web browser service providers had better security than hildebeest, Stan-the-Stupid, and Pence wasn't mishandling Top Secret SAP material like hildebeest did, Stan-the-Stupid.
Pence reportedly used private email account to discuss state business - Fox News Originally Posted by StandinStraight
All he does is start stupid threads and get his ass handed to him. Over and over and over again.
Stan-the-Stupid is too stupid to understand factual details.
FBI Director Comey already reported that commercial web browser service providers had better security than hildebeest, Stan-the-Stupid, and Pence wasn't mishandling Top Secret SAP material like hildebeest did, Stan-the-Stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
All he does is start stupid threads and get his ass handed to him. Over and over and over again.No wonder this country is such a fucked up mess, he's teaching all our politicians. But since Trump isn't a politician he didn't teach Trump. So maybe there's still hope.
But he teaches political science! LMAO Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
No wonder this country is such a fucked up mess, he's teaching all our politicians. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisinActually, the reason why it's a fucked up mess is because he's not teaching them ANYTHING! He doesn't know ANYTHING to teach!!!
we say in French "On Ne Peut Pas Comparer L'incomparable"Let me put your SPEW in my 0zombie Translator, in the mean time...
but even the Article said it "the comparison is absurd"
Classified Infos > State Business (Even my None speaking English Ass knows that )
Dammmmn Professor LOL u need to go back to the same school u claim to be Teaching at and take this Class Called LOGIC101
U Welcome Originally Posted by ArabianGoddess