Forgive me Ms. Tiffany but, I'm fairly certain the hobby is slightly more expensive for us than it is for you!! I'm not sure about this because I know how generous you are but, I'm going out on a limb here and saying that you have maybe one more rea$on than we do for being in hobbyland...don't ya?!?
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Now, now know I am true to my reasons. I limit myself to just enough dates per week to make up for quiting my regular full time job, and I keep myself hungry. I have gone without all week, gearing up for my friday adventure! I keep a reasonable price tag, and I do run monthly specials, because? I want to play, and have a good time without the man feeling as though he is being taken advantage off.
There has been times that I have spent more money preparing for a date, then what I actually made for that date....such as if they request special clothing, or a special toy...heels....foot fetish, ect. There are expenses, and for the providers who enjoy the experience just as much as the hobbiest does, don't put it past her that she hasn't blown her budget on her date.