Scientists have found a food that makes women allergic to sex and all sexual activity. It's called wedding cake.
According to all my married guy friends, sex just stops after marriage. The women get the ring, the house, the 2.3 kids and the SUV and they're done. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a married woman say "no more blowjobs for me!" Fuck that! And they wonder why guys cheat or hobby?
Originally Posted by pornodave69
That's a great joke:
"You know why a bride at the alter is smiling so big?
She knows she never has to give a blowjob again!"
For the majority of women, this is true. One thing I find interesting about my relationship is she says she is very sexual. In all of the years we've been together, she has initiated 5 times!
There was something on Oprah or Ellen (I think) about women needing to be more active in the bedroom. It said for every 3 times he initiates, she should initiate once. Like that is ever going to happen in my household!!