Why Do You Hobby?

DFK Hunter's Avatar
Its my drug. In the heat of the moment all else is forgotten in sexual bliss. Afterwards there are no emotional entanglements. Just a sweet memory until the next fix. ;-)
My wife and I do have sex on a regular quarterly schedule. We have sex in 2 positions only, and she does everything she can to make me cum as fast as possible. Sex for her is usually uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful. Every time we have sex, it makes me think we need to stop trying.
notdeadyet's Avatar
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas.
nebtex1's Avatar
... my next question is always if it was something you enjoy alot and its something the SO wont do for you then why are they your SO in the first place ... Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Well the simple answer is Love and some guys (especially older ones) didn't screw around before they got married (I was a virgin before I got married) so we did not know about that part of the relationship ... but more importantly ... an SO usually is a different person during the courtship phase ... when they become "themselves" after the honeymoon phase (my SO took about a year or so to do this and has gotten progressively worse over time) the relationship becomes much different and it is hard to maintain the love.

Well of course you ask ... why not leave your SO ... my answer I should have at about year 4 or 5 ... buy I was raised on the principle that marriage was a lifetime commitment ... that being said ... at this point I would leave my SO in a monkey minute ... except for 1 thing ... KIDS! We had kids after the 6th year of marriage and I love and enjoy the hell out of being a father. Now my younger is almost finished with HS ... now my next big step is when do I get the hell out ... I will probably wait until my youngest is out of college.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
See [ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=20266"]Nice-Guy-Itus?[/ame]
kcpumper's Avatar
I have to agree with ftwranchman. I love my wife and don't want a GF. I've been so conditioned after 25 years of "hurry up and finish" it's difficult to make a dream last more than 1/2 hour. I just want to be wanted. Some of the providers are much better actresses than others though.*L* After reading through the Texas forums, I think I need to move!
Simple... I like variety, and especially since it's not happening with my SO, then why not with someone who will pay attention to all the wonderful details!?
pornodave69's Avatar
I ask this to alot of guys and gals just to see and the answer i get from lots of guys are there wives dont do this or they dont do that but then heres were i get intoruble at my next question is always if it was something you enjoy alot and its something the SO wont do for you then why are they your SO in the first place.. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Scientists have found a food that makes women allergic to sex and all sexual activity. It's called wedding cake.

According to all my married guy friends, sex just stops after marriage. The women get the ring, the house, the 2.3 kids and the SUV and they're done. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a married woman say "no more blowjobs for me!" Fuck that! And they wonder why guys cheat or hobby?
This is something that i have wondered about for a while and all the guys dont give the same reason some just flat out say in not in-love with her or theres lots of drama or whatever i guess that why i asked the question in the first place to see if it was mearly just the sex for you guys or if there was more to why you visit us ladies. I hope i did not upset anybody with this post i sure did not intend to and i would NEVER ask a client why he was married to who he choose or even if he is married but sometimes information is offered up to you weather you ask or not about 80% of my job is being a thereapist to the guys that see me stroking there egos and making them feel like a king and i love the way that i feel when i can see the pleasure in a mans face and it seems like it was been a while scence they felt like that.
I like it.
Others have said it all, it seems, and highlighted the fact that it's different reasons for different people, just like the rest of life. I guess, also, that, like the cat that's burned by a hot stove and thereafter won't even go near the cold one, guys whose sex gets turned off by their SO may figure that there's no use in a do-over with someone else because the same thing will happen. It's just sort of the life-cycle of women it seems like. And dumping someone because there's no sex (or not good sex, or not enough of it, etc) just seems like a "bad reason" and we want to be able to live with ourselves. We don't want to think of ourselves as people who dump an SO just because she doesn't like sex anymore. I do see, Kaci, that you would therefore wind up being a "therapist" in a way. What you do is create the illusion that a guy could actually have a woman who loves him and loves having sex with him.

This all relates to another thread I have seen here about providers who "lie." I had to laugh at that one!
srvfin's Avatar
I am a single father of 2 teenage girls..... They drain the finances worse than any SO.... lol. By the time their mom just picked up and left one day it had been 7 years without a blowjob. Unacceptable! (btw... she was giving them, just not to me)

I hobby between GF's, and if the mood hits, when I am with one. I have noticed that as I have gotten older I am not willing to put up with someone else's BS just to have a GF. I don't want to "see if it's ok" to go play a round of golf with the pods. It's just much less of a hassle to see whatever woman that suits me at any given time, and if I have done my homework correctly, does not have no in her sexual vocabulary. Sooner or later they all say no, not right now, maybe later, I just did my hair, my nails are wet, Mr. Monthly, mom (sis, girlfriend, niece) is coming over, etc, etc, etc.

So many beautiful women, and I want to have sex with as many as possible, one hour at a time!
Hmmmm educated guess says, "I hobby because thats what I Like to do". heheheteehee

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Hmmmm educated guess says, "I hobby because thats what I Like to do". heheheteehee

http://www.preferred411.com/dallas/laylaheights Originally Posted by MacyDay
And I'd love to hobby with you Macy
Scientists have found a food that makes women allergic to sex and all sexual activity. It's called wedding cake.

According to all my married guy friends, sex just stops after marriage. The women get the ring, the house, the 2.3 kids and the SUV and they're done. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a married woman say "no more blowjobs for me!" Fuck that! And they wonder why guys cheat or hobby? Originally Posted by pornodave69
That's a great joke:
"You know why a bride at the alter is smiling so big?
She knows she never has to give a blowjob again!"

For the majority of women, this is true. One thing I find interesting about my relationship is she says she is very sexual. In all of the years we've been together, she has initiated 5 times!
There was something on Oprah or Ellen (I think) about women needing to be more active in the bedroom. It said for every 3 times he initiates, she should initiate once. Like that is ever going to happen in my household!!