That's all you got you pathetic pig? So predictable. It's liberals and their policies that failed this young girl. The Superintendent of the school district should go to jail with the thugs he put in his freshman class. Maybe he can feel the pain of getting cocks rammed up his ass in jail. Just because you enjoy cocks shoved up your ass and down your throat doesn't mean innocent 14yr old girls like it. Originally Posted by bambinoHow would you know what (forbidden topics) like? How the fuck is this a topic for the political forum, hmmmm? Because it's a rape by an illegal. Or an off-white person. Either way, your racism and xenophobia make it a political story rather than a crime story... which as you know is now the result of the disastrous Twitler Reich ... own it, Limpdick.
Or... are you saying one rape is better than another?
Mop up the mouth foam, EATLER, you're gonna slip on your way back to the buffet.