One dick head. Why don't you post the stories of Amy Adams the actress giving up get first class seat to a uniform solider which did happen a few months ago
Originally Posted by BigLouie
That was courageous of her because the rest of Hollywood may have frowned on her behavior.
The point with the the Drexel professor is that he defended his statement saying that our service members don't need first class seats, we need psych treatment. Unfortunately, a component of PTSD is the reception you recieve when returning home. Dave Grossman's books On Killing and On Combat examine this component comparing soldiers returning to parades in WW2 vs Vietnam vets being spit on at the airport. Spoiler alert: being treated like shit on return home from war exacerbates PTSD. No, we don't need your first class seat. We'll be fine w/out it. But the statement that an act of kindness toward a soldier made the professor want to vomit will not be helpful and actually may cause harm.
Keep in mind, this is the same professor that tweeted "All I want for Christmas is white genocide." He was not reprimanded by Drexel adminiatrators who agreed it was "just a joke".
(I mean who doesn't like a good genocide joke? Am I right?...In case you don't get the sarcasm, genocide is not funny.) The same professor wrote a paper saying how great Haiti is because they killed all white and mixed race people who did not escape the Haitian revolution. (I've been to Haiti, it is the biggest shit hole in the western hemisphere.)
The worst part is that the university condones this and he is currently indoctrinating the next generation of Americans.