taco cabana is much better than taco bueno, ijs :^)
another example of how it's all about the money to some providers.
i imagine you're feeling a bit better that she ncns'd you after your suggestion the friend pay for herself. imagine how the session would have gone!
Originally Posted by pmdelites
this would have canceled her, had I been booking the reservation.. the friend could have dropped her off inside and left, gone to a nearby Taco Casa (why are we all mentioning tacos as our cheap alternative?) and waited.. the friend does not need to be in the high end restaurant to guard the Provider.. hell, does she think you're going to pull out an ax and hack away in that environment?
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It sounds like this lady was either very new and nervous or flat out trying to get the most out of you. It's pretty peculiar that she'd expect you to go along with paying for her friend too. Unless of course, she was going to offer you a two-for-one special once dinner went well. My suggestion is to find someone reputable who is newbie friendly. I'm sure most ladies wouldn't mind accompanying you for a nice dinner. (Taco Vell not included).
Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Hey, I was hungry when I wrote that and Tacos were the first thing that popped into my mind. Unless it was a subliminal suggestion that as the lady sat across from the OP and noticed how well he ate his taco, perhaps she could envision how well OP would eat hers. LOL