Not sure anyone would miss Detroit. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornAnywhere in Kansas would be great
Ignorant fucks like you seem to have forgotten how well they fought in the last war we had with Korea. You act as if a war with NK is a good thing.You are not a nice person, and I believe your post violates the TOS on this site. I am not going to RTM, but hopefully the mods will discover it on their own.
People like you are how people like Hitler came to power. Many parallels. Maybe if you'd just exterminate one Jew, DSK, I'll forgive your naivety. Originally Posted by WTF
Reports are the MOAB has a kill radius of one mile, that's a two mile circle.Excellent post, Jackie
The area doesn't look to be more than 2 miles across.
Everybody thinks the World and Human Nature has changed.Before WW-2, appeasement simply encouraged the Axis Powers to take more.
North Korea is on the verge of having a ballistic missle that can carry a 12 kiloton Fission Bomb to Hawaii, maybe even the West Coast. What's going to stop them?
You have a Country that is ruled by what I call a Thugocracy. It seems that everybody is perfectly fine with these lunatics having Nuclear Bombs and the means to deliver them.
I'm watching MSNBC right now. They are preaching appeasement. Don't antagonize Kim Jong Un. He might get mad. We need to use diplomacy, talk to him, reason with him.
Where has that got us in the past 8 years?
Well, sooner or later he will have to be dealt with. President Trump is doing the right thing in attempting to get China to get with the program.
Let's hope he succeeds.
I had my war. It's a terrible thing. We wasted thousands of young men for nothing. But saying war is too terrible to engage in now still doesn't solve the North Korean problem. Originally Posted by Jackie S
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
Sun Tzu
North Korea is on the verge of having a ballistic missle that can carry a 12 kiloton Fission Bomb to Hawaii, maybe even the West Coast. What's going to stop them?The mistakes go back much further than 8 years. More like 24 years... doesn't anyone remember the "Agreed Framework" signed back in 1994 under Slick Willy and his DoD chief William Perry? The one that earned Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize?
You have a Country that is ruled by what I call a Thugocracy. It seems that everybody is perfectly fine with these lunatics having Nuclear Bombs and the means to deliver them.
I'm watching MSNBC right now. They are preaching appeasement. Don't antagonize Kim Jong Un. He might get mad. We need to use diplomacy, talk to him, reason with him.
Where has that got us in the past 8 years? Originally Posted by Jackie S
North Korea missile launch 'fails'
You are not a nice person, and I believe your post violates the TOS on this site. I am not going to RTM, but hopefully the mods will discover it on their own.
Since you are likely on probation, hopefully it will get you another year banishment, then I hope the US government cracks down on your scheme to violate the laws of these "United" States.
LOCK HIM UP Originally Posted by DSK