You remember that voter fraud we talke about earlier?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
As far as Presidential Elections go, California and New York have made themselves irrelavent. Why waste time, money, and resources even campaigning in those two liberal enclaves.

Concentrate on the the remaining 48 States.

It's the same wat with Congress. Who gives a shit what California and New York want.

Keep in mind, most of those votes that gave Hillary the popular vote win were concentrated in those two States.

The rest of the Country sees it different.

Let them stew in their Liberal/Socialist/ProgressiveDemocrat caldron. The rest of the Country will move forward Originally Posted by Jackie S
Holy shit.

What now? Twitler's inauguration drew the biggest crowd ever, period?

You might be the dumbest old shit on the board.

Not even one county in Oklahoma went 0zombie, be like a Okie!
bamscram's Avatar
They don't like elections that they can't steal ! And think of all that time they wasted registering the illegals and all of those midnight trips to the cemeteries for " voter registration drives " . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Going to the cemeteries. Hilarious, if you died how quick would your name be taken off voter rolls?

Or your state.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh yeah, so funny. I was working for a local politician back in 2004 doing cold calls. I had a list of phone numbers that I called and started by reminding people to vote. Then I asked who they thought they would vote for. If I got the right answer, thank you very much and see you tomorrow. If I got the wrong answer or an uncommitted answer, then the sales job began. Why is this relevant? As I went down the list I found a name that I knew. I told them that the man was dead and should be taken off. The man's wife was pretty much deaf and won't understand a thing on the phone. They asked if I knew him....he was my dad and he had died five years earlier. Yeah, that's a knee slapper Bam.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
why would any county in Mississippi and Alabama vote for her ?

lustylad's Avatar
Outside California, Hillary Clinton lost the popular vote by 1.4 million to Donald Trump.
Given how California is such an outlier, I looked up some data on the state:

California population – 39 million

No. of illegals in CA – 2.4 million (Pew Research estimate)
.............................. .......3 million (The Migration Policy Institute estimate)

CA registered voters – 19.4 million

Total votes cast 2016 – 14.18 million
Hillary – 8.75 million
Trump – 4.48 million
Others - 0.95 million
bamscram's Avatar
Oh yeah, so funny. I was working for a local politician back in 2004 doing cold calls. I had a list of phone numbers that I called and started by reminding people to vote. Then I asked who they thought they would vote for. If I got the right answer, thank you very much and see you tomorrow. If I got the wrong answer or an uncommitted answer, then the sales job began. Why is this relevant? As I went down the list I found a name that I knew. I told them that the man was dead and should be taken off. The man's wife was pretty much deaf and won't understand a thing on the phone. They asked if I knew him....he was my dad and he had died five years earlier. Yeah, that's a knee slapper Bam. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How many times had he voted since his death JD?
lustylad's Avatar
How many times had he voted since his death JD? Originally Posted by bamscram
Not as many times as you have eccie handles, ekim the chimp, aka bamscram, aka wordup666, aka ivan biggen, aka retarded lenny!
How many times? Originally Posted by bamscram

ehhhbuhhhrrrr's thyme song...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many times had he voted since his death JD? Originally Posted by bamscram
The last time he voted, he voted for Ross Perot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And this major statistic too - counties won: Trump 2,654, Hillary 487 ..... and in Congress, Republicans have a 52-48 seat majority in the Senate and a 241-194 seat majority in the House of Representatives ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
How do counties matter? They don't even matter in statewide elections. Anywhere.

Just swallow more of the Twitler bullshit porridge, Lemmings.

You tilt at windmills every day.

Better hope Twitler blows up some shit soon, or we'll be back to our regularly scheduled impeachment proceedings.
bamscram's Avatar
Not as many times as you have eccie handles, ekim the chimp, aka bamscram, aka wordup666, aka ivan biggen, aka retarded lenny! Originally Posted by lustylad
Prove it loud mouth lemming.
bamscram's Avatar
ehhhbuhhhrrrr's thyme song... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You lead 'em iffy.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pretty ironic, SLOBBRIN!

Why don't you remind us again how much you hate non-white people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Prove it loud mouth lemming. Originally Posted by bamscram
That is not a denial...