Marriage: America’s Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty

Agreed, but it's better not to feed the trolls...especially the ugly ones. All trolls are ugly, so, if you're ugly for a troll...well... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Now now now charlesstupor2005, I don't go calling you a butt-plug.....we both know you're sore over the ME War thread.......
I think its a new record. Originally Posted by pjorourke
do you really want to give me incentive?
Agreed, but it's better not to feed the trolls...especially the ugly ones. All trolls are ugly, so, if you're ugly for a troll...well... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
you`re right, but sometimes......
you`re right, but sometimes...... Originally Posted by ninasastri
Agreed, but it's better not to feed the trolls...especially the ugly ones. All trolls are ugly, so, if you're ugly for a troll...well... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Now now now charlesstupor2005, I don't go calling you a butt-plug.....we both know you're sore over the ME War thread....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Gentleman: Back to a more civil tone, please.
the parents of a child should be the ones who pay for that child....what moral justification is there to use force to make other people pay for your children.....perhaps people would rather spend their money on their own children rather than other people's children........ Originally Posted by Marshall
I, just as I would think that everyone would, agree. However, we have the Republicans want to shut down the whole shooting match over Planned Parenthood thus making themselves feel better by modifying or “morally” controlling others. The less unwanted children in the world, the better for everyone – including the poor unfortunate child.

marriage is a universal institution throughout human evolved for a useful purpose, ie: the breeding and raising of's the best system in existence for children.....marriage has always been about children......using marriage to satisfy love and companionship needs is a recent human adaptation........ Originally Posted by Marshall

Very true. In fact, love unions used to be considered by some gauche. We went from arranged marriages to structured courtships to young women making their own decisions about a choice of a mate and that’s where gifting and then to the watered down version of gifting which we call modern dating.

Like it or not, the largest demographic of the poor is single women and children. Child support and visitation are a tough road to hoe for both parents. Baring abuse, staying married is the best situation for our children. A stable marriage is simply the best situation for a family. Serial monogamy, to me, is a detriment to society. Of course, I’m guilty of it so that makes me part of the problem. I did stay married until my child was grown, but I didn’t like it.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I, just as I would think that everyone would, agree. However, we have the Republicans want to shut down the whole shooting match over Planned Parenthood thus making themselves feel better by modifying or “morally” controlling others. The less unwanted children in the world, the better for everyone – including the poor unfortunate child.

Very true. In fact, love unions used to be considered by some gauche. We went from arranged marriages to structured courtships to young women making their own decisions about a choice of a mate and that’s where gifting and then to the watered down version of gifting which we call modern dating.

Like it or not, the largest demographic of the poor is single women and children. Child support and visitation are a tough road to hoe for both parents. Baring abuse, staying married is the best situation for our children. A stable marriage is simply the best situation for a family. Serial monogamy, to me, is a detriment to society. Of course, I’m guilty of it so that makes me part of the problem. I did stay married until my child was grown, but I didn’t like it. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I'm only going to say this once, because it is such a controversial subject...and I have no misconception I am going to change anyones mind. These people that you want to call "Republicans want to shut down the whole shooting match" believe (whether you do or not) that these unborn children are people...just like you and me. They find it as offensive for you to be dismissive of these little people as you would if I said we ought to just go ahead and knock off single mothers because they are a drain on society....or some minority group because they get a higher percentage of Gov aide per capita...or folks who are handicapped because they cost society extra. You'd be offended if I referred to the homeless as slugs in the gutter that might as well be squashed...but are not offended when these little people are referred to as petre dish cells by some.

The sooner folks decide to respect everyone's view of the worth of people, the sooner there might be an answer to these type issues.
I'm only going to say this once, because it is such a controversial subject...and I have no misconception I am going to change anyones mind. These people that you want to call "Republicans want to shut down the whole shooting match" believe (whether you do or not) that these unborn children are people...just like you and me. They find it as offensive for you to be dismissive of these little people as you would if I said we ought to just go ahead and knock off single mothers because they are a drain on society....or some minority group because they get a higher percentage of Gov aide per capita...or folks who are handicapped because they cost society extra. You'd be offended if I referred to the homeless as slugs in the gutter that might as well be squashed...but are not offended when these little people are referred to as petre dish cells by some.

The sooner folks decide to respect everyone's view of the worth of people, the sooner there might be an answer to these type issues. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Wwwwwell, I believe I said the Republicans want to shut down the whole shooting match because of Planned Parenthood. Where did I say anything about abortion?! So I’m going to say this just once, Planned Parenthood does sooooooo much more than perform abortions. It is the primary, well woman provider for vast sections of American women and girls. It provides a valuable and reasonable access to contraceptives and sexual education. They also deal with broader, women's social issues such as domestic violence. Planned Parenthood helps women and girls take a proactive role in their reproductive choices – BEFORE they get pregnant.

The puritanical view of abstinence is ridiculous. The Republicans aren’t just shutting down abortions. They are shutting down access to sexual health services and trying to modify the behavior of women. It would make them, meaning not all Republicans but the backers of this morality clause to an appropriations bill, feel better about themselves if everyone else just believed morally they way they do.

Stable marriage and planned and responsible parenthood are being abandoned for many different reasons. This preventable cause poverty is tearing at the fabric of our society, social institutions and skewing our sense of traditional morality.
In case anyone thinks the PP discussion was over principle:

Its the same crap as the government unions -- recycling our money to get more of it. Like public TV, I think PP does a lot of good. Just take them (and many others) the hell off the public dole. Its a charity -- it should be supported that way.
When I was in Chicago earlier this week, PP were out talking to people. I stopped and listened to them and asked a few questions. 97 percent of what they do is not related to abortion. They do an enormous amount of screening for cancer amongst other things. I was quite surprised at just how much they do. Seriously.
In case anyone thinks the PP discussion was over principle: Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, I've always thought you were too smart to read this drivel, much less promote it.
PJ, I've always thought you were too smart to read this drivel, much less promote it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh, I see, we are applying the "anything I don't agree with is drivel" test? Not to be confused with main stream media drivel (e.g., NYT) or official drivel (e.g., any Obama speech).

The information came from here:
Rudyard K's Avatar
Planned Parenthood does sooooooo much more than perform abortions. It is the primary, well woman provider for vast sections of American women and girls. It provides a valuable and reasonable access to contraceptives and sexual education. They also deal with broader, women's social issues such as domestic violence. Planned Parenthood helps women and girls take a proactive role in their reproductive choices – BEFORE they get pregnant. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Fair enough.

The puritanical view of abstinence is ridiculous. The Republicans aren’t just shutting down abortions. They are shutting down access to sexual health services and trying to modify the behavior of women. It would make them, meaning not all Republicans but the backers of this morality clause to an appropriations bill, feel better about themselves if everyone else just believed morally they way they do. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Now you're talking about the support of using public money to support "your" moral views. Your moral view is no better...or worse...than theirs. If you support that public money use with economic justification...with the understanding that others may support other economically justifed public money uses that are more valuable...and some may dispute your conclusion...well, than I might jump in with you.

But jumping on the moral question? Well, your view of abstinence is that it is a ridiculous concept. My guess is?...they do not. Now what?
atlcomedy's Avatar
When I was in Chicago earlier this week, PP were out talking to people. I stopped and listened to them and asked a few questions. 97 percent of what they do is not related to abortion. They do an enormous amount of screening for cancer amongst other things. I was quite surprised at just how much they do. Seriously. Originally Posted by Camille

Who did you talk to? This isn't a PP slam but very few front line volunteers that are out (which I take to mean on the street interacting with the public) can tell you with any decent degree of accuracy what the organization really does and breakdown its spending...

...wanna talk mission statement kinda stuff??? better....
I B Hankering's Avatar
John Wayne Gacy was purportedly an affable, likable man who entertained and amused hundreds of children as “Pogo the Clown” at charity fundraising events, parades and children's parties. Shoot, he even had his picture taken with President Carter’s wife! Should he be forgiven just because he only killed a few of the kids he met? At least he wasn’t on the public dole.