MEN: NEED YOUR OPINION!!!??? What's the BEST VP Ad on Eccie?

SweetDulce's Avatar
This works for me:

Add a couple of Updated New pics on weekly/bi-weekly or at least monthly basis.

~ Stay true to what you advertise about yourself.

~ Include: availability, rates, screening info you require, general location
...... Or just copy and paste off a hott smart girls ad.
Captain.Classic's Avatar
Specials are always nice, or perhaps advertising something creative that no one else is (I know menus are mostly consistent across the board, but I appreciate any creativity).

New pictures for sure. The providers I like always look lovely, but it never hurts to be presented with that loveliness in new photos.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 04-20-2017, 10:48 PM
This works for me:

Add a couple of Updated New pics on weekly/bi-weekly or at least monthly basis.

~ Stay true to what you advertise about yourself.

~ Include: availability, rates, screening info you require, general location

...... Or just copy and paste off a hott smart girls ad. Originally Posted by SweetDulce

Well that seems to be the basic whores' motto around here...

I agree with worldbfree your witty ads are Awesome!
I might start copy and pasting them!
TFF^^^ that doesn't seem like something a VP should be proud of unless she was being sarcastic.....
Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Over time, I've learned to add every single thing a gentleman might ask during our initial contact. Almost a Cliffs Notes of my Showcase all right there to answer any question you might have.
LexusLover's Avatar
Over time, I've learned to add every single thing a gentleman might ask during our initial contact. Almost a Cliffs Notes of my Showcase all right there to answer any question you might have. Originally Posted by Exotic Yazmin DDD
Did you leave off the "WEIGHT" on purpose?