Alex Jones

pussycat's Avatar
Why don't y'all get someone worthy to speak at your conference? Perhaps some noted scientists armed with peer reviewed research? Or maybe some environmentalist groups because if there's a vast conspiracy to poison us from the air, I'm pretty sure Greenpeace will want to be front and center.

What? No legitimate groups want to be involved? Obviously they're part of the conspiracy.

And before you ask, yes, George Soros does pay for all of my whores. He's cool like that. Originally Posted by iSeekGreek
Because there is no real authority who will back any of their claims.
In case you missed it, I used to be an InfoWhore. I was a Prison Planet subscriber, volunteered during money bombs, bought​ all of the products he was shilling for, and hung out at Brave New Books all the time. I, like any good InfoWhore would, fell prey to the basic psychological tactics Jones uses that are almost identical to those used by cult leaders and cartels throughout history.

Jones and his ilk try to make you feel like you are privy to sacred knowledge that has been hidden from the world at large. Only you and your fellow enlightened compatriots know how the world really works and you feel compelled to spread this knowledge. If only the rest of the world knew what you know, paradise would spontaneously come into existence. In other words, InfoWhores is basically a religion.

The real world doesn't work this way. The scientific method is the only tool we have that can explain and predict the natural world. The amount of scientific research in existence doubles globally every 9 years, and that pace is increasing. We all stand on the shoulders of giants.

The peer review process is rigorous and at times political. However, with pace of scientific research, the amount of scientific journals and publications are growing at an equal pace. Even items that were considered fringe or science fiction less than a decade ago are now finding a legitimate audience, funding, and support from citizen scientists. Look at the EM Drive for inspiration.

If you feel there is legitimate cause for concern about geo-engineering, climate warfare, or aerial dispersal of psychotropics, conduct your own research. Don't rely on what cult leaders tell you. It would be relatively simple to set up a network of cameras, IoT sensors, and other instrumentation to prove your hypothesis. Hell, I'd even join in on your cause just to ensure it's done properly. If you find any real evidence, it would be very simple to get NGO's or environmental activist groups to join your cause.
Treetop78759's Avatar
In case you missed it, I used to be an InfoWhore. I was a Prison Planet subscriber, volunteered during money bombs, bought​ all of the products he was shilling for, and hung out at Brave New Books all the time. Originally Posted by iSeekGreek

I guess you want all of us to believe that your memberships, purchases and volunteering in all those organization is true? More then likely none of what you say is true. You were never even a member or an outside observer. It's just a deceptive angle and an assumptive one as well. Nice try though.
There's not enough tinfoil in the world to supply this thread.
pussycat's Avatar
In case you missed it, I used to be an InfoWhore. I was a Prison Planet subscriber, volunteered during money bombs, bought​ all of the products he was shilling for, and hung out at Brave New Books all the time. I, like any good InfoWhore would, fell prey to the basic psychological tactics Jones uses that are almost identical to those used by cult leaders and cartels throughout history.

Jones and his ilk try to make you feel like you are privy to sacred knowledge that has been hidden from the world at large. Only you and your fellow enlightened compatriots know how the world really works and you feel compelled to spread this knowledge. If only the rest of the world knew what you know, paradise would spontaneously come into existence. In other words, InfoWhores is basically a religion.

The real world doesn't work this way. The scientific method is the only tool we have that can explain and predict the natural world. The amount of scientific research in existence doubles globally every 9 years, and that pace is increasing. We all stand on the shoulders of giants.

The peer review process is rigorous and at times political. However, with pace of scientific research, the amount of scientific journals and publications are growing at an equal pace. Even items that were considered fringe or science fiction less than a decade ago are now finding a legitimate audience, funding, and support from citizen scientists. Look at the EM Drive for inspiration.

If you feel there is legitimate cause for concern about geo-engineering, climate warfare, or aerial dispersal of psychotropics, conduct your own research. Don't rely on what cult leaders tell you. It would be relatively simple to set up a network of cameras, IoT sensors, and other instrumentation to prove your hypothesis. Hell, I'd even join in on your cause just to ensure it's done properly. If you find any real evidence, it would be very simple to get NGO's or environmental activist groups to join your cause. Originally Posted by iSeekGreek
I'm not as sanguine as you are about modern science and the peer review process.

But it doesn't take orthodox scientists to refute Jones. He's an obvious charlatan. He starts out with valid concerns about globalization and the information grid but then extends it to fantasy claims that there is a cabal of elites who engineer soft kill vaccines to depopulate the planet, and choose who the Presidential nominees will be years before the party primaries are held.
Really and you gotta,from the internet.
It's true when Alex said that mainstream scientists know all about this. The problem is that if they come forward it will damage their career. Therefore, they have to give the info to him on the DL so he can prove what the government has been doing.

If you don't believe me then Google it because it's on the internet. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Ah yes e everything on the 8internet is grue
I guess you want all of us to believe that your memberships, purchases and volunteering in all those organization is true? More then likely none of what you say is true. You were never even a member or an outside observer. It's just a deceptive angle and an assumptive one as well. Nice try though. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
You're right. I spent years researching all of that stuff just so that 1 day I could fake debate someone on a hooker board. George Soros and Al Gore paid me to do it.

It's ok brother. I fully understand the denial. I went through it too. Either you'll eventually see logic and reason, or you'll blow up a federal building because that's where they plan the FEMA death camps. I'm pulling for you. Logic is just as powerful as conspiracy.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Succulent puffy chesticles. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Muthafukkin' Alex Jones is aways takin' 'is shirt off butt he don't e'er takes off 'is pantalones an' 'is calzones! Ah bet he looks laik ol' Buck Angel oncest he takes them knickers off! Ah gots nuthin' a'ginst trans folks. Butt if'n yer trans, buck up an' own it, muthafukkah!
Treetop78759's Avatar
The real questions here are: What is being sprayed? Who is behind the program? Why is there no public discussion of the program and its implications to human and environmental health?

Above is a scientific quote that isn't so easy to find because a lot of people want it suppressed for obvious reasons.

It sums it up. Contrails are real. We just need to know what is being sprayed and by who in the government and why is it being covered up.

Believe what you want but it is pretty scary stuff. Perhaps you had a bad experience with those less informed groups so come join us a our next CTTAA meeting next month in San Antonio. Tickets are $75 and the location is not being published right now.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther.

I pay about as much attention to him as I do Rosie O'Donnell.

Which is none.
pussycat's Avatar
Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther.

I pay about as much attention to him as I do Rosie O'Donnell.

Which is none. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
My brother teaches architecture at a major University on the east coast and he's a member of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth.

I think it's rather clear that there are no distinguished engineers who are supporting the narrative that Building 7 and the others were brought down by fires alone.

Jones does a lot to harm the work of real scholars on that issue because he conflates criticism of the government's 911 narrative with other ridiculous claims.

He makes all 9-11 skeptics appear to be idiots like himself.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I suppose that this is Hollywood theatrics. Wake up and open your eyes. It clearly shows dynamite brought it down. Who put it there? We believe that only the government could have. Most Americans agree too.
Iforgottopullout's Avatar
10 or so years ago Alex Jones was saying there would be forced blood draws for suspected drunk drivers who refused to blow in austin. It was supposedly "debunked".
Treetop78759's Avatar
Did anyone else listen to Clyde Lewis on Coast to Coast last night?

He had an excellent segment regarding contrails.

I'm watching out for them today but haven't seen any yet which is very odd.