Men Having Sex With Us Lady's & TS

john_deere's Avatar
Thats exactly why I don't do BB shit because its gross if you ask me and I don't have to punctuate shit because I'm texting be different if I'm getting a job or acutely getting graded for punctuation didn't know man love ts maybe why you so angry just don't fuck a man and try coming to fuck me but as long as I know my services I'm OK with whatever you doing just pissed me off I seen someone interested in a man that's always trying to get me to say he is OK to see another lady nasty scum bag come out the closest Originally Posted by HotJas
well,'s the thing....the fact that you're texting - which nobody knows until you say so - is irrelevant. even if your whole post wasn't dumb, you'd still sound that way because you can't be bothered to write properly.

and, in my experience, dumb girls are trouble. and fun.
This whole thread, makes me think someone got their feelings hurt because some guy decided he would rather visit a TS provider than spend their money on her. I understand that MS Jas has not posted an ad in a while, but I can't see this thread, and her barely readable "texting" rants having a positive impact on her customer base.
Well that escalated quickly! Hot jas, maybe you should take your own advise.
john_deere's Avatar
threads like this should be put in their own special section. it would be called "failure to understand the game".
tm289's Avatar
  • tm289
  • 05-04-2017, 01:51 PM
Every one is different. Some like this some like that... to others, the grass might be greener on both sides of the fence. When you make yourself look like an asshole by worrying who someone else spends their time or money with....? Doesn't make me wanna spend money on a judgmental asshole
CryptKicker's Avatar
OK folks. I realize there are strong opinions from both sides on this and a civil discussion is warranted. But let's stop the name calling. That's not beneficial for anyone.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
I will never understand the thinking process of some people...
Haymitch- Why would I be mad because someone didn't want to see me thats weird I'm saddisgusted because i was verifying him for other girls and then go see men to like come on now that's gross but what ever you think is OK with me and I have enough people that see me without even posting an add so trust that is not the issue
Haymitch- Why would I be mad because someone didn't want to see me thats weird I'm saddisgusted because i was verifying him for other girls and then go see men to like come on now that's gross but what ever you think is OK with me and I have enough people that see me without even posting an add so trust that is not the issue Originally Posted by HotJas

Your grammar and punctuation(or lack there of) give me a headache.
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Doubles reviews here are full of girl on girl activities. So why is anyone so surprised that somewhere in the world there are men on men activities? Why is it different? While I am not particularly into that, I don't see why anyone's preferences as straight/bi/gay matter to any of this???? Just saying. I find it strange that any provider wants to judge the preferences of others.
john_deere's Avatar
Your grammar and punctuation(or lack there of) give me a headache. Originally Posted by WTXLawnGuy
i'm actually glad to see this because i can definitively cross hotjas off my list. lack of punctuation and grammar - especially in a venue where you're supposed to be marketing yourself - just says dumb and lazy. not the kind of girl that's likely to be any fun.
Now let's not get carried away, punctuation has no bearing on ones ability to fuck. I be cumming. I be Cummings!
john_deere's Avatar
everybody has rules they play the game by. one of mine is…if hey can't spell there's no sell. i consider it an overall indication of how they're going to handle their shit and whether or not i want to deal with it.
I dont do bb either.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
As long as you acknowledge your own bigotry and own it. Just let your future and current clients know your preference.