Constitutional Crisis. IMPEACH TWITLER!

LexusLover's Avatar
The Anti-Trumpers have short-term memory.

That was proven on the night of November 8, 2016, and early the next day!
Enjoying your shit sandwich Assup? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Especially with the extra load of " MAN-onaisse " and a glass of dingleberry wine !
Spoken like a true constitutional scholar... for me to poop on! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do YOU have any poop left after election night Mr. DOTY 4 TIMES ? ! YOU and lots of other lying liberals sure overloaded the sewer systems that night ! And continue to do so. HAHAHAHAHAHA
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1059503798]This asshole has GOT to go.

Expect more of these types of post from asswipe

[Asswipe must be banned Here’s why.

By Laurence H. Tribe
Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School.

The time has come for ECCIE to launch an ban notice for asswipe for obstruction of the political forum

I agree
And all of this from a "Noted" Harvard Professor.

This opinion, which is all this is, isn't worth two cents.

That last two paragraphs referring to Mellinials is kind of strange.
You have a whole generation of young people who have worthless college degrees, mountains of debt on the count of these degrees, wanting a "participation trophy" in the form of a cheap homestead out in suburbia.

It's dawning on them that their worthless Liberal Arts Degrees and their trendy job as assistant to the assistant manager at the Banana Republic making $30,000 a year will barely keep them up with the latest I-Phone.

They all skipped, or were sleeping in the class where they taught that the real world is a tough place, and there is no free lunch.
Spoken like a true constitutional scholar... for me to poop on! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh, you're just an unhappy Zionist liberal that's all. If they impeach Trump you still won't get Hillary or anything close, those days are long gone.

  • DSK
  • 05-14-2017, 05:48 PM
This is going to happen, unless something very very bad happens to Twitler before. His handli of the Comedy firing was one thing. But his coverup and coverup of the coverup are what will bring him down. There's no denying either of those events.

Twitler, thin skin and all, will just quit to avoid -- THE PEE TAPES -- which, make no mistake, this is all about.

So get your catcalls and insults ready, Trumpites.

You're going to need them to defend your false god. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I sincerely hope you are wrong. Hopefully, Ginsburg will die and be replaced by someone who makes Scalia look liberal.

We might be able to save the country if that happens.

Otherwise, it will be ruled by the rich and educated, with no chance for the common man.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is going to happen, unless something very very bad happens to Twitler before. His handli of the Comedy firing was one thing. But his coverup and coverup of the coverup are what will bring him down. There's no denying either of those events.

Twitler, thin skin and all, will just quit to avoid -- THE PEE TAPES -- which, make no mistake, this is all about.

So get your catcalls and insults ready, Trumpites.

You're going to need them to defend your false god. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

bahhaaa. False god? coverup of a coverup of a coverup? ahaaa pigman we get you don't like Trump but if you really despise his presidency so much to hang your hat on "pee tapes" Vlad the Russkie supposedly has then you occupy a very small little corner all your own in the Libatd crazy corn field. but you'll have plenty of corn to eat , eh?


Spoken like a true constitutional scholar... for me to poop on! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Pervert Faggot, Shit Eater... Got you about a 13 point advantage, You're Special...
Pervert Faggot, Shit Eater... Got you about a 13 point advantage, You're Special... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
OMG, this is exactly the way it's getting too.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, you dipshits make it about a fellow ECCIE poster and not the orangutan dictator you helped rise to power.

When are we going to talk about the daily fucking drama that is your Scheissfuhrer?
  • DSK
  • 05-14-2017, 08:33 PM
Again, you dipshits make it about a fellow ECCIE poster and not the orangutan dictator you helped rise to power.

When are we going to talk about the daily fucking drama that is your Scheissfuhrer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think it is very unseemly of you to insult our legally elected President, who saved the nation from Hillary Clinton.

Either apologize, or admit you take it up the ass from MunchMidget.
Again, you dipshits make it about a fellow ECCIE poster and not the orangutan dictator you helped rise to power.

When are we going to talk about the daily fucking drama that is your Scheissfuhrer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trump hasn't made it to dictator status yet. If anything he's a political puppet like the ones before him. He can't do anything to you unless you let him. Just like real Americans pretty much flipped Obama the bird on gun control. No ridiculous measures were taken and the second amendment remains intact. To top it off there hasn't been a mass shooting since Trump took office.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do you call 59 cruise missles, fool?
What do you call 59 cruise missles, fool? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I call them cruise missiles. What else would they be?
