big money = big problems

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Living like you are going to make the most money you have ever made even after you are not making it is a big problem. See a whole lot of former pro athletes.
Wakeup's Avatar
Here's a guy with big money and no problems...

When I was just born my parents bought me a shot to eliminate std, HIV infections. Originally Posted by the cute papi
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
"I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is better"

Beatrice Kaufman
VitaMan's Avatar
Mike Tyson didn't have to have a lion tamer.......well, maybe he did, after he got the lions.

Quote from Evander Holyfield: "I never meant to have so many babies."
Caligula1's Avatar
So true Vita money is needed but money with abundance can be a nemesis at times, so many have fallen and so many more will fall...l wonder....l do....