Providers use fake name......"That's a giving"First of all, what makes you think this man owes you the truth? I don't believe he owes you a single ounce of honesty just because you THINK he's your friend and you USED to suck his dick!.
Hobbyist sometime give fake names, not all the time.
But what I'm talking about is after knowing someone for over a year, maybe near 2 years.
I actually stopped seeing said person last year and still kept in touch by text. So I'm trying to figure out why someone would tell another that they were no longer in a relationship but then provider receives a text from friends SO.
Can someone plzzz explain in MAN TERMS?
Ladies, What would y'all do if something like this happened too you?
*SO makes contact and friend wants you to lie to SO.....WTF?
*NO THIS IS NOT ANOTHER "WTF" TryWeakly (go to your corner and STFU Originally Posted by Luvs2Purrr
I also believe that if a client feels a provider is over stepping her boundaries by asking too many personal questions or TEXTING too much then he has every right to lie to protect his privacy.
Oh....and if this "happened to me"....I'd ask myself what I did to cause this mess.